// JSON based simple full text search with vanilla javascript via XMLHttpRequest, // (c) 2020 by Tanja Becker - Webdeveleopment, http://tanjabecker.de/ // pass query string by CGI parameter: [URL]?query=[search string] var query = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("query"); if ((query != '') && (query != null)) { document.getElementById("custom-search-field").value = query; } // Debug mode: shows number of hits in the search result. [URL]?debug=1 let debug = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get("debug"); let merge_data = []; window.addEventListener('load', function() { document.getElementById("custom-search").querySelectorAll("input").forEach(item => { item.disabled = 'disabled'; }); if (!merge_data.length) { document.getElementById("custom-search-results").innerHTML = params['json_wait']; if (params['json_src'] != '') { var json_src_str = params['json_src'].replace("/\s/g", ""); var json_sources = json_src_str.split(","); var src_count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < json_sources.length; i++) { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = json_sources[i]; xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var data = JSON.parse(this.responseText); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { merge_data.push(data[i]); } src_count++; if (src_count == json_sources.length) { document.getElementById("custom-search").querySelectorAll("input").forEach(item => { item.disabled = ''; }); document.getElementById("custom-search-field").focus(); document.getElementById("custom-search-results").innerHTML = params['json_ready']; if ((query != '') && (query != null)) { customSearchResults(); } } } if (this.status == 404) { document.getElementById("custom-search-results").innerHTML = params['err_filefailed']; } }; xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true); xmlhttp.send(); } } } }, false); document.getElementById("custom-search-field").addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { if (params['autocomplete'] == 1) { document.getElementById("custom-search-results").innerHTML = ''; if (this.value == '') { document.getElementById("custom-search-results").innerHTML = params['err_nostring']; return false; } else if (this.value.length < params['minlength']) { document.getElementById("custom-search-results").innerHTML = params['err_badstring']; return false; } else if (this.value.length >= params['minlength']) { customSearchResults(); } } else { if (this.value == '') { document.getElementById("custom-search-results").innerHTML = params['err_nostring']; } } }); let sForm = document.getElementById("custom-search"); if (params['defaultsearch'] != '') { sForm.querySelectorAll("input[name='option']").forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', event => { customSearchResults(); }); }); } let sSection = ''; if ((params['section_search'] == 1) && (sForm.elements["section[]"])) { sSection = sForm.elements["section[]"]; sForm.querySelectorAll("input[name='section[]']").forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', event => { if (item.value == 'site') { if (item.checked) { sForm.querySelectorAll("input[name='section[]']").forEach(node => { node.checked = false; }); sForm.querySelector("input[value='site']").checked = true; customSearchResults(); } } else { if (item.checked) { sForm.querySelector("input[value='site']").checked = false; } else { var section_checked = []; for (var i = 0; i < sSection.length; i++) { if ((sSection[i].checked) && (sSection[i].value != 'site')) { section_checked.push(sSection[i].value); } else { continue; } } if (section_checked.length < 1) sForm.querySelector("input[value='site']").checked = true; } } if (document.getElementById("custom-search-field").value != '') { customSearchResults(); } }); }); } function customSearchResults() { if (!merge_data.length) { return false; } var sOutput = document.getElementById("custom-search-results"); var sString = document.getElementById("custom-search-field").value; if (sString == '') { sOutput.innerHTML = params['err_nostring']; return false; } if (sString.length < params['minlength']) { sOutput.innerHTML = params['err_badstring']; return false; } var data = merge_data; var add_searchlink = params['add_searchlink']; if ((add_searchlink) && (add_searchlink != '')) { add_searchlink = add_searchlink.replace(/\[QUERY\]/g, sString); } var sOption = ''; var optionField = document.forms["custom-search"]["option"]; if (optionField) { sOption = optionField.value; } else { sOption = params['defaultsearch']; } var badwords = []; if (params['badwords'] != '') { var badwords_str = params['badwords']; badwords_str = badwords_str.replace("/\s/g", ""); badwords = badwords_str.split(","); } var words = []; var search_words = sString.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < search_words.length; i++) { if (badwords.includes(search_words[i])) { continue; } else { words.push(search_words[i]); } } if (!words.length) { sOutput.innerHTML = params['err_badstring']; return false; } var section_filter = []; if (sSection != '') { for (var i = 0; i < sSection.length; i++) { if ((sSection[i].checked) && (sSection[i].value != 'site')) { section_filter.push(sSection[i].value); } else { continue; } } } var results = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var title = data[i].title; var summary = data[i].summary; var content = data[i].content; var tags = data[i].tags; var section = data[i].section; if (section_filter.length >= 1) { if (!section_filter.includes(section)) { continue; } } var searchtext = ''; if (title != '') searchtext += title; if (summary != '') searchtext += ' '+summary; if (content != '') searchtext += ' '+content; if (tags != '') searchtext += ' '+tags; var matched = 0; var matches = 0; var matches_calc = 0; var title_matches = 0; var tags_matches = 0; var summary_matches = 0; var content_matches = 0; for (var y = 0; y < words.length; y++) { var searchword = new RegExp(words[y], 'gi'); if (searchword.test(searchtext) === true) { var wordmatches = searchtext.match(searchword); matches = matches + wordmatches.length; matches_calc = matches; for (var key in searchfield_weight) { var val = searchfield_weight[key]; var searchstr = ''; var count = ''; if (key == 'title') searchstr = title; if ((key == 'tags') && (tags != '')) searchstr = tags.join(","); if (key == 'summary') searchstr = summary; if (key == 'content') searchstr = content; if (searchword.test(searchstr) === true) { matches_calc = matches_calc + val; count = searchstr.match(searchword).length; if (key == 'title') title_matches = title_matches + count; if ((key == 'tags') && (tags != '')) tags_matches = tags_matches + count; if (key == 'summary') summary_matches = summary_matches + count; if (key == 'content') content_matches = content_matches + count; } } matched++; } } data[i]['matches_calc'] = matches_calc; if ((debug != '') && (debug != null)) { data[i]['matches'] = matches; data[i]['title_matches'] = title_matches; data[i]['tags_matches'] = tags_matches; data[i]['summary_matches'] = summary_matches; data[i]['content_matches'] = content_matches; } if (sOption == 'OR') { if (matched >= 1) { results.push(data[i]); } } else { if (matched == words.length) { results.push(data[i]); } } } // results if (results.length >= 1) { results.sort(function(a, b) { if (params['sort_date'] == 'DESC') { return b.matches_calc - a.matches_calc || b.date - a.date; } else { return b.matches_calc - a.matches_calc || a.date - b.date; } }); var results_header = ''; if (results.length > 1) { results_header = params['res_more_items']; } else { results_header = params['res_one_item']; } results_header = results_header.replace("[CNT]", results.length); if ((add_searchlink) && (add_searchlink != '')) { results_header += add_searchlink; } var tag_top = params['res_out_top']; var tag_bottom = params['res_out_bottom']; var results_content = ''; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var title = results[i].title; var summary = results[i].summary; var date = results[i].date; var url = results[i].url; var tags = results[i].tags; var section = results[i].section; var extern = results[i].extern; // only for debug mode var infos = ''; if ((debug != '') && (debug != null)) { var matches = results[i].matches; var matches_calc = results[i].matches_calc; var title_matches = results[i].title_matches; var tags_matches = results[i].tags_matches; var summary_matches = results[i].summary_matches; var content_matches = results[i].content_matches; var plus_title = title_matches >=1 ? '+ '+searchfield_weight['title'] : '+ 0'; var plus_tags = tags_matches >=1 ? '+ '+searchfield_weight['tags'] : '+ 0'; var plus_summary = summary_matches >=1 ? '+ '+searchfield_weight['summary'] : '+ 0'; var plus_content = content_matches >=1 ? '+ '+searchfield_weight['content'] : '+ 0'; infos += ''; infos += ''; infos += ''; infos += ''; infos += ''; infos += ''; infos += ''; infos += '
Title ('+title_matches+'):'+plus_title+'
Tags ('+tags_matches+'):'+plus_tags+'
Summary ('+summary_matches+'):'+plus_summary+'
Content ('+content_matches+'):'+plus_content+'
Gesamt neu:'+matches_calc+'

'; } if ((extern == 1) && (params['extern_icon'])) { title += ' '+params['extern_icon']; url = url + '" target="_blank"'; } if (section != '') { if (section_trans[section] != undefined) { section = section_trans[section]; } } var newdate = new Date(date*1000); var datestr = newdate.toLocaleDateString(); var templ = params['res_item_tpl']; if (templ) { templ = templ.replace("[TITLE]", title); templ = templ.replace(/\[URL\]/g, url); if (templ.includes("[DATE]")) { if (date != '') { templ = templ.replace("[DATE]", datestr); } else { templ = templ.replace("[DATE]", ''); } } if (templ.includes("[SUMMARY]")) { if (summary != '') { templ = templ.replace("[SUMMARY]", summary); } else { templ = templ.replace("[SUMMARY]", ''); } } if (templ.includes("[TAGS]")) { if (tags != '') { tags = tags.join(","); tags = tags.replace(/,/g, ", "); templ = templ.replace("[TAGS]", tags); } else { templ = templ.replace("[TAGS]", ''); } } if (templ.includes("[SECTION]")) { if (section != '') { templ = templ.replace("[SECTION]", '['+section+'] '); } else { templ = templ.replace("[SECTION]", ''); } } results_content += templ; if (infos != '') { results_content += '
  • '+infos+'
  • '; } } } sOutput.innerHTML = results_header+tag_top+results_content+tag_bottom; } else { var noresult = ''; if ((add_searchlink) && (add_searchlink != '')) { noresult += add_searchlink; } noresult += params['err_noresult']; sOutput.innerHTML = noresult; } }