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# Project Space Theme
![Project Space](assets/readme.png)
## Description
Visualize projects in an organized manner, as notes on a board. Projects can be categorized, color-coded and tagged to be easily identified, and displayed in a variety of ways with filtering and sorting.
The Project Space theme is responsive, and its use of JavaScript is minimal and only as progressive enhancements. The theme is designed by the [Graceful degradation]( methodology, wherein JavaScript is not necessary for the site to function. Scripts include [PJAX](, [DatePicker]( for calendar, and [Multiple Select]( for dropdowns.
## Usage
Create a folder in /user/pages that will store your project-notes, like /projects. In this folder, create a ``-file with the following content:
title: Project Space
changefreq: monthly
priority: 1.03
description: Projects
limit: 10
Using any FrontMatter you prefer, of course. Each child-page, ie. folder below this page, is treated as a note when you visit the page. For example, a typical note may be in the folder /user/pages/projects/et-genus-fumant-et-omnes, and look like this:
title: 'Et genus fumant et omnes'
color: orange
category: Ongoing
- 'Lorem Ipsum'
- [x] Finish my changes
- [ ] Push my commits to GitHub
- [ ] Open a pull request
The headers `color` and `taxonomy` are completely optional, and only the former affects the styling of the note. `taxonomy.category` should be a string, not a list. `taxonomy.tag` should, however, be a list of tags. `color` may be one of:
- `white`: White
- `red`: Red
- `orange`: Orange
- `yellow`: Yellow
- `green`: Green
- `teal`: Teal
- `blue`: Blue
- `dark-blue`: Dark Blue
- `purple`: Purple
- `pink`: Pink
- `brown`: Brown
- `gray`: Gray
Categories are defined as a list in `site.yaml`, for example:
taxonomies: [category,tag]
- Idea
- Ongoing
- Done
- Archived
Note that `taxonomies: [category,tag]` is necessary for Grav to recognize that your pages use the `category` and `tag` taxonomies.
### With the Admin-plugin
If you are using the Admin-plugin, this is very easy to manage when editing a page:
#### Style options:
![Project Space](assets/style-options.png)
These settings are in the Options-tab, just below where you change the settings for Publishing when editing a page in Admin. The setting to "Truncate words" can be either an integer, ie. a number above 1, or a boolean state, ie. `1` or `0`. This limits the amount of words in each note when rendered through `default.html.twig`.
#### Taxonomy options:
![Project Space](assets/taxonomy-options.png)
### Available layouts, filters and sorting
All options are managed through the Tools-menu, and applied as URL-parameters to the page.
#### Display mode (`display`):
- Blocks (default): Masonry-layout
- List: Listed vertically
- Category: Grouped by category, list
- Color: Grouped by color, list
#### Date range (`start` and `end`):
- Start: Date to start search at
- End: Date to stop search at
#### Order (`sort-by` and `sort-dir`):
- Sort by: Name of post (`title`), date of post (`date`), or name of post's folder (`folder`)
- Sort direction: Ascending (`asc`) or descending (`desc`)
- Limit: Amount of posts to show per page (`INT`)
#### Category (`category`)
Comma-separated list of categories to include, [URL encoded]( These are defined as a list in `site.yaml`.
#### Color (`color`)
Comma-separated list of colors to include, [URL encoded]( Colors are hard-coded within the plugin for proper rendering in the interface(s).
#### Tag (`tag`)
Comma-separated list of tags to include, [URL encoded]( These are generated from all available posts.
## Installation
Installing the Project Space theme can be done in one of two ways. The GPM (Grav Package Manager) installation method enables you to quickly and easily install the theme with a simple terminal command, while the manual method enables you to do so via a zip file.
### GPM Installation (Preferred)
The simplest way to install this theme is via the [Grav Package Manager (GPM)]( through your system's Terminal (also called the command line). From the root of your Grav install type:
bin/gpm install project-space
This will install the Project Space theme into your `/user/themes` directory within Grav. Its files can be found under `/your/site/grav/user/themes/project-space`.
### Manual Installation
To install this theme, just download the zip version of this repository and unzip it under `/your/site/grav/user/themes`. Then, rename the folder to `project-space`.
You should now have all the theme files under
# Dependencies
- [Grav Core]( ~1.4
- [Quark-theme]( ~1.0
- [TaxonomyList-plugin]( ~1.3
- [AutoDate-plugin]( ~1.0
- [MarkdownTasklists-plugin]( ~1.0
## Compiling CSS
Use a SCSS-compiler, like [LibSass](, eg. [node-sass]( and compile `src/scss/screen.scss` to `css/screen.css` in the theme-folder. For example: `npm run build` for production or `npm run watch` for development. Requires Node-modules to be installed first.
## License
Based on the [Masonry Theme](, which is a port of the [Masonry Theme for Ghost](
This theme is free and open source software, distributed under the [MIT License](/LICENSE).
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