
389 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* __ __
* / /_ _________ _____ ____/ /_____________
* / __ \/ ___/ __ `/ __ \/ __ / ___/ ___/ __ \
* / /_/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / / /__/ /_/ /
* /_.___/_/ \__,_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ \___/\____/
* Designed + Developed
* by Kaleb Heitzman
* (c) 2016
namespace Grav\Plugin;
// import classes
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/classes/iCalendarProcessor.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/classes/calendarProcessor.php';
require_once __DIR__.'/classes/eventsProcessor.php';
use Grav\Common\Plugin;
use Grav\Common\Grav;
use Grav\Common\Page\Page;
use RocketTheme\Toolbox\Event\Event;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Events\CalendarProcessor;
use Events\EventsProcessor;
* Grav Events
* The Events Plugin provides Event Listings and Calendars for your Grav
* powered website. This plugin searches each page for `event:` frontmatter
* and then sets a custom taxonomy named *type* to *event*. It also sets
* a repeating and frequency taxonomy to build more intricate collections.
* The `event_repeat` taxonomy will take a string in the format `MTWRFSU` and
* the `event_freq` taxonomy will take `daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly`.
* These taxonomies are automatically added and processed by the plugin.
* Below is a sample of what an `event:` front matter section would look like in
* a Grav page. Note: You can used the event template and yaml included in the
* plugin for use in the admin plugin or add `event:` frontmatter to any page of
* your choice. This plugin is smart enough to add any page to `@taxonomy.type`
* as an event so you can build collections off of pages taxonomized with the
* __event__ taxonomy type.
* ```
* event:
* start: 01/01/2015 6:00pm
* end: 01/01/2015 7:00pm
* repeat: MTWRFSU
* freq: weekly
* until: 01/01/2020
* location: Raleigh, NC
* coordinates: 35.7795897, -78.6381787
* ```
* If you use the Admin pluin, the events plugin will automatically geo-decode
* the location field to a set of coordinates so that you don't have too.
* PHP version 5.6+
* @package Events
* @author Kaleb Heitzman <>
* @copyright 2016 Kaleb Heitzman
* @license MIT
* @version 1.1.0
* @link
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
class EventsPlugin extends Plugin
* Current Carbon DateTime
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
* @var object Carbon DateTime
protected $now;
* Events/Events Class
* Processes pages for `event:` frontmatter and then inserts repeating and
* reoccuring events into Grav Pages with updated dates, route, and path.
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
* @var object Events
protected $events;
* Events/Calendar Class
* Provides data to be used in the `calendar.html.twig` template.
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
* @var object Calendar
protected $calendar;
* Get Subscribed Events
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
* @return array
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'onPluginsInitialized' => ['onPluginsInitialized', 0],
'onGetPageTemplates' => ['onGetPageTemplates', 0],
'onTwigExtensions' => ['onTwigExtensions', 0],
* Initialize plugin configuration
* Determine if the plugin should run and set the custom
* taxonomies to store event information in. We also initialize the Events
* and Calendar class that this plugin utilizes and then we start
* intercepting Grav hooks to build our events list and insert any vars
* we need into the system.
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
* @return void
public function onPluginsInitialized()
// Nothing else is needed for admin so close it out
if ( $this->isAdmin() ) {
'onAdminSave' => ['onAdminSave', 0],
// Add these to taxonomy for events management
$event_taxonomies = array('type', 'event_freq', 'event_repeat', 'event_location');
$taxonomy_config = array_merge((array)$this->config->get('site.taxonomies'), $event_taxonomies);
$this->config->set('site.taxonomies', $taxonomy_config);
// get the current datetime with c
$this->now = Carbon::now();
// set the calendar accessor
$this->calendar = new \Events\CalendarProcessor();
// set the events accessor
$this->events = new \Events\EventsProcessor();
// enable the following hooks
'onTwigTemplatePaths' => ['onTwigTemplatePaths', 0],
'onPagesInitialized' => ['onPagesInitialized', 0],
'onTwigSiteVariables' => ['onTwigSiteVariables', 0],
* Add current directory to twig lookup paths.
* Add the templates directory to the twig directory look up path so we
* can load our page templates. These are overridable by the theme and
* are only meant as a starting point.
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
* @return void
public function onTwigTemplatePaths()
// add templates to twig path
$this->grav['twig']->twig_paths[] = __DIR__ . '/templates';
* Add repeating and reoccuring events as Grav pages
* Repeating Events: events the tile horizontally in a week `MTWRFSU`
* Reoccuring Events: events that tile vertically through `daily, weekly,
* monthly, yearly`
* The Events/Events class searches for pages with `event:` frontmatter and
* processes these into new Grav pages as needed. This is a dynamic operation
* and does not add new physical pages to the filesystem.
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
* @return void
public function onPagesInitialized()
// get instances of all events
* Association with page templates
* @param Event $event
* @since 1.0.15 Major Refactor
* @return void
public function onGetPageTemplates(Event $event)
$types = $event->types;
/* @var Locator $locator */
$locator = Grav::instance()['locator'];
// Set blueprints & templates.
// reverse the FUBARd order of blueprints
$event = array_reverse($types['event']);
$types['event'] = $event;
* Set needed variables to display events
* For the calendar page, we load the appropriate js and css to make the
* calendar work smoothly as well as add the appropriate calendar twig
* variables.
* @since 1.0.0 Initial Release
* @return void
public function onTwigSiteVariables()
// setup
$page = $this->grav['page'];
$pages = $this->grav['pages'];
$collection = $pages->all()->ofType('event');
$twig = $this->grav['twig'];
$assets = $this->grav['assets'];
/** @var Uri $uri */
$uri = $this->grav['uri'];
$type = $uri->extension();
// only load the vars if calendar page
if ($page->template() == 'calendar')
$yearParam = $this->grav['uri']->param('year');
$monthParam = $this->grav['uri']->param('month');
$twigVars = $this->calendar->twigVars($yearParam, $monthParam);
$calVars = $this->calendar->calendarVars($collection);
// add calendar to twig as calendar
$twigVars['calendar']['events'] = $calVars;
$twig->twig_vars['calendar'] = array_shift($twigVars);
if ( $type == 'json' ) {
$twig->twig_vars['calendarJson'] = $this->calendar->calendarVars($collection);
// output on events
if ( $page->template() == 'events' && $type == 'json' ) {
$events = [];
foreach($collection as $page) {
$events[]['id'] = $page->id();
$events[]['title'] = $page->title();
$events[]['date'] = $page->date();
$events[]['header'] = $page->header();
$events[]['content'] = $page->content();
$events[]['summary'] = $page->summary();
$events[]['lang'] = $page->language();
$events[]['meta'] = $page->contentMeta();
$events[]['slug'] = $page->slug();
$events[]['permalink'] = $page->permalink();
$twig->twig_vars['eventsJson'] = $events;
$twig->twig_vars['eventCategories'] = $this->events->getEventCategories();
// scripts
$js = 'plugin://events/assets/events.min.js';
$assets->addJs($js, 1);
// styles
$css = 'plugin://events/assets/events.min.css';
* Process Event Information
* This hook fires a reverse geocoding hook for the location field
* on single events.
* @param Event $event
* @since 1.0.15 Location Field Update
* @return void
public function onAdminSave(Event $event)
$config = (array) $this->config->get('');
// get the object being saved
$obj = $event['object'];
// check to see if the object is a `Page` with template `event`
if ( $obj instanceof Page && $obj->template() == 'event' )
// get the header
$header = $obj->header();
// check for location information
if ( isset( $header->event['location'] ) && ! isset( $header->event['coordinates'] ) ) {
// leave if geocoding is disabled
if ( ! $config['enable_geocoding'] ) {
$location = $header->event['location'];
// build a url
$url = "" . urlencode($location) . "&key=" . $config['api_key'];
// fetch the results
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$geoloc = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
foreach ( $geoloc['results'][0]['address_components'] as $address_component ) {
if($address_component['types'][0] === 'country' && $address_component['types'][1] === 'political') {
$header->event['country'] = $address_component['long_name'];
if($address_component['types'][0] === 'locality' && $address_component['types'][1] === 'political') {
$header->event['city'] = $address_component['long_name'];
if($address_component['types'][0] === 'postal_code') {
$header->event['zip'] = $address_component['long_name'];
// build the coord string
$lat = $geoloc['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
$lng = $geoloc['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
$coords = $lat . ", " . $lng;
// set the header info
$header->event['coordinates'] = $coords;
else // the saved object was not a page, so it was likely the plugin settings
$update_mode = $event['object']["icalendar_update"];
if($update_mode != 0) {
// process iCalendar file(s)
$icalendar = new \Events\iCalendarProcessor();
// reset flag
$event['object']["icalendar_update"] = 0;
* Association with twig extensions
* @since 1.1
* @return void
public function onTwigExtensions()
require_once(__DIR__ . '/twig/DateTranslationExtension.php');
$this->grav['twig']->twig->addExtension(new DateTranslationExtension($this->grav));