# Date tools plugin for Grav CMS *This plugin works with Grav v1.1.3 and above.* This [Grav](http://getgrav.org) plugin provides date tools to use inside of Twig for filtering pages. With the release of Grav 0.9.13 `startDate` and `endDate` were introduced to collection parsing. You can use the following `datetools` to set various dates for retrieving [collections.](http://learn.getgrav.org/content/collections) ## Configuration Set up your preferred date formats in datetools.yaml The default is set to the American date format of 01/01/2015 12:00am. ``` dateFormat: default: "m/d/Y g:ia" long: "l, F j, g:ia" medium: "F j, g:ia" short: "m/d/y" ``` ## Example Twig Use ``` {% set events = page .collection({'items':{'@taxonomy.type':'event'}}) .dateRange(datetools.startOfWeek, datetools.endOfMonth) .order('date', 'asc') %} ``` ## Common Dates and Times ``` datetools.today datetools.yesterday datetools.tomorrow datetools.startOfWeek datetools.endOfWeek datetools.startOfMonth datetools.endOfMonth datetools.startOfYear datetools.endOfYear ``` ## Relative Parser Method The following date parser is based on the [Carbon](https://github.com/briannesbitt/Carbon) api extension for DateTime in PHP 5.3+. Read the [documentation](https://github.com/briannesbitt/Carbon#carbon) for the Carbon project for more info. ``` datetools.parseDate('now') datetools.parseDate('next wednesday') datetools.parseDate('last friday') datetools.parseDate('first day of January 2015') ```