title: Presentations Page Options '@extends': type: default context: blueprints://pages form: fields: tabs: type: tabs active: 1 fields: options: type: tab fields: pagetitle: type: section title: Page Title underline: true header.hide_page_title: type: toggle label: Display Title at top of Page help: Determines if the page title is displayed at the top of a page default: 0 highlight: 0 options: 0: Yes 1: No validate: type: bool sectionpages: type: tab title: Section Pages presentationpages: type: tab title: Presentations Config fields: header.content.items: type: hidden default: '@self.children' header.content.order.by: type: select label: Order By default: date options: folder: Folder title: Title date: Date default: Default header.content.order.dir: type: select label: Order default: asc options: asc: Ascending desc: Descending