{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %} {% set show_onpage_menu = header.onpage_menu == true or header.onpage_menu is null %} {% macro pageLinkName(text) %}{{ text|lower|replace({' ':'_'}) }}{% endmacro %} {% import _self as macro %} {% block javascripts %} {% if show_onpage_menu %} {% do assets.add('theme://js/singlepagenav.min.js') %} {% endif %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block bottom %} {{ parent() }} {% if show_onpage_menu %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block header_navigation %} {% if show_onpage_menu %} {% else %} {{ parent() }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block hero %} {% for module in page.collection() if module.template == 'modular/hero' %}
{{ module.content|raw }} {% endfor %} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% for module in page.collection() if module.template != 'modular/hero' %}
{{ module.content|raw }} {% endfor %} {# check to display CC License - hibbittsdesign.org #} {# check to display git sync link in page - hibbittsdesign.org #} {% if theme_var('display_of_git_sync_repo_link') == 'page' and not (grav.uri.param('summaryonly') or grav.uri.param('onlysummary')) %} {% include 'partials/git_sync_repo_link_note.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% if not (grav.uri.param('chromeless') or grav.uri.param('embedded') or grav.uri.param('standalone')) and not(theme_var('chromeless.enabled')) and (theme_var('cc_license.enabled') and not(page.header.hide_cc_license)) %} {% include 'partials/creative_commons_license.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}