title: H5P Content Options '@extends': type: default context: blueprints://pages form: fields: tabs: type: tabs active: 1 fields: content: fields: header.title: replace@: true type: text size: long label: Page Title header.h5p_content_title: ordering@: 2 type: text size: long label: H5P Content Title header.display_h5p_content_title: ordering@: 3 type: toggle label: Display H5P Content Title default: 0 highlight: 1 options: 1: Yes 0: No validate: type: bool header.h5p_content_id: ordering@: 4 type: integer size: short label: H5P Content ID (Node) description: 'For example, for the URL https://h5p.org/node/712 the ID would be 712.' info: ordering@: 5 type: display size: large label: 'How-to Tip' markdown: false content: "To display this item within another page, enter '[plugin:page-inject](/h5p/PAGE)' in your Markdown content area." options: fields: publishing: fields: header.published: default: 1 advanced: fields: overrides: fields: header.visible: default: 1