day_char = $grav['config']->get(""); $this->mon_char = $grav['config']->get(""); if ($this->day_char == 0) { $this->day_char = $grav['config']->get(""); } if ($this->mon_char == 0) { $this->mon_char = $grav['config']->get(""); } } /** * Returns this extensions name */ public function getName() { return 'DateTranslationExtension'; } /** * Returns the Functions that will be exposed to twig templating */ public function getFunctions() { return [ new \Twig_SimpleFunction( 'dateTranslate', [$this, 'dateTranslate'], ['needs_environment' => true] ) ]; } /** * Returns the Filters that will be exposed to twig templating */ public function getFilters() { return [ new \Twig_SimpleFilter( 'dateTranslate', [$this, 'dateTranslate'], ['needs_environment' => true] ) ]; } /** * Translates textual days and years of a date string under * formating by fragmenting the given date-pattern and converting * the fragments individually to segments of the date. Text parts * are also translated into the target language as specified in the * page's frontmatter or system settings and passed by twig. * * The implementation makes use of the *translate array function* * `ta` with GRAV.DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK and GRAV.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR. * * @param env The twig environment as required by * `twig_date_format_filter` * @param date The date time-stamp to format * @param datePattern The date format pattern * * @return The translated date string */ public function dateTranslate(\Twig_Environment $env, $date, $datePattern) { $dateFunction = function ($format) use ($env, $date) { // php `twig_date_format_filter` represents twig's `|date` return twig_date_format_filter($env, $date, $format); }; $dateString = ''; $tokens = preg_split('/([DlMF])/', preg_quote($datePattern), 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($tokens as $t) { switch ($t) { case 'D': // A textual representation of a day, two letters: Mo through Su $dateString .= mb_substr($this->translateDay($dateFunction), 0, $this->day_char, "UTF-8"); break; case 'l': // A full textual representation of the day of the week: Sunday through Saturday $dateString .= $this->translateDay($dateFunction); break; case 'M': // A short textual representation of a month, three letters: Jan through Dec $dateString .= mb_substr($this->translateMonth($dateFunction), 0, $this->mon_char, "UTF-8"); break; case 'F': // A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March: January through December $dateString .= $this->translateMonth($dateFunction); break; default: $dateString .= $dateFunction($t); } } return $dateString; } private function translateDay($dateFunction) { // php `translateArray` represents twig's `|ta` return Grav::instance()['language']->translateArray('GRAV.DAYS_OF_THE_WEEK', ($dateFunction('w') + 6) % 7); } private function translateMonth($dateFunction) { // php `translateArray` represents twig's `|ta` return Grav::instance()['language']->translateArray('GRAV.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR', $dateFunction('n') - 1); } }