name: Quark Open Publishing type: theme slug: quark-open-publishing version: 2.3.1 description: "A custom version of the Quark theme for open publishing and blogging. Includes Git Sync and 'chromeless' content embedding." icon: unlock author: name: Hibbitts Design email: url: homepage: demo: docs: keywords: open, blog, gitsync, chromeless bugs: license: MIT dependencies: - { name: grav, version: '>=1.6.0' } - archives - breadcrumbs - external_links - feed - git-sync - markdown-notices - page-inject - pagination - simplesearch - shortcode-core - taxonomylist - quark - events form: validation: loose fields: tabs: type: tabs active: 1 fields: general_info: type: tab title: 'Open Publishing Options' fields: chromelessoptions: type: section title: 'Chromeless Site (i.e. Embedded)' underline: true chromeless.enabled: type: toggle label: 'Hide Site Menu, Sidebar and Footer' highlight: 1 default: 0 options: '0': No '1': Yes validate: type: bool h5psetup: type: section title: 'H5P Setup' underline: true h5pembedrootpath: type: text size: long label: 'H5P Embed Source URL' default: '' help: 'Enter the embed source URL path up to, but not including, the H5P Content ID.' description: 'H5P embed source URL path up to, but not including, the Content ID. For example, '''' or ''https://[organization]''.' validate: type: URL displaycclicense: type: section title: 'Creative Commons License' underline: true fields: cc_license.enabled: type: toggle label: 'Display CC License' highlight: 1 default: 0 options: '0': No '1': Yes validate: type: bool cc_license.type: type: select label: 'CC License Type' default: ccby size: long description: 'Looking for more info about Creative Commons (CC) Licenses?
Visit the site.' options: ccby: 'CC Attribution' ccbysa: 'CC Attribution Share Alike' ccbynd: 'CC Attribution No Derivatives' ccbync: 'CC Attribution Non-Commercial' ccbyncsa: 'CC Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike' ccbyncnd: 'CC Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives' cc_license.icon: type: toggle label: 'Display Only CC License Icon' highlight: 1 default: 0 options: '0': No '1': Yes validate: type: bool cc_license.text: type: text size: long description: 'For example, ''except where otherwise noted.''' label: 'Additional CC License Text' validate: type: text menuoptions: type: section title: Menu underline: true dropdown.enabled: type: toggle label: 'Display Dropdowns in Menu' highlight: 1 default: 1 options: '0': Disabled '1': Enabled validate: type: bool theme_info: type: tab title: 'Quark Options' fields: production-mode: type: toggle label: 'Production mode' help: 'When enabled, Quark will render with minified CSS' highlight: 1 default: 1 options: '0': PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED '1': PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED validate: type: bool grid-size: type: select label: 'Grid size' help: 'The maximum width of the theme' size: small options: "": 'None (full width)' grid-xl: 'Extra Large' grid-lg: Large grid-md: Medium header_section: type: section title: 'Header Defaults' underline: true custom_logo: type: file label: 'Custom Logo' size: large destination: 'theme://images/logo' multiple: false markdown: true description: 'Will be used instead of default logo `theme://images/grav-logo.svg`' accept: - 'image/*' custom_logo_mobile: type: file label: 'Mobile Custom Logo' size: large destination: 'theme://images/logo' multiple: false accept: - 'image/*' header-fixed: type: toggle label: 'Fixed header' help: 'When enabled, the header will be fixed at the top of the browser' highlight: 1 default: 1 options: '0': PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED '1': PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED validate: type: bool header-animated: type: toggle label: Animated help: 'When enabled, the header will animate to a smaller header when scrolling' highlight: 1 default: 1 options: '0': PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED '1': PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED validate: type: bool header-dark: type: toggle label: 'Dark Style' help: 'When enabled, a dark-friendly style will be used' highlight: 0 default: 0 options: '0': PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED '1': PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED validate: type: bool header-transparent: type: toggle label: Transparent help: 'When enabled, a transparent style will be used' highlight: 0 default: 1 options: '0': PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED '1': PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED validate: type: bool footer_section: type: section title: 'Footer Defaults' underline: true sticky-footer: type: toggle label: 'Sticky footer' help: 'When enabled, the footer will be sticky at the bottom of the browser' highlight: 1 default: 1 options: '0': PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED '1': PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED validate: type: bool blog_section: type: section title: 'Blog Defaults' underline: true blog-page: type: text label: 'Blog Page' help: 'The route to the blog page when working with blog sidebar' size: medium default: /blog blog_page_hero_classes: type: text label: 'Hero Classes' markdown: true description: 'There are several Hero class options that can be listed here (space separated):
`text-light`, `text-dark`, `title-h1h2`, `parallax`, `overlay-dark-gradient`, `overlay-light-gradient`, `overlay-dark`, `overlay-light`, `hero-fullscreen`, `hero-large`, `hero-medium`, `hero-small`, `hero-tiny`
Please consult the [Quark documentation]( for more details.' spectre_section: type: section title: 'Spectre.css Options' underline: true spectre.exp: type: toggle label: 'Experimentals CSS' help: 'When enabled, the `spectre-exp.css` file will be included' highlight: 0 default: 0 options: '0': PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED '1': PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED validate: type: bool spectre.icons: type: toggle label: 'Icons CSS' help: 'When enabled, the `spectre-icons.css` file will be included' highlight: 0 default: 0 options: '0': PLUGIN_ADMIN.DISABLED '1': PLUGIN_ADMIN.ENABLED validate: type: bool custommenu_options: type: tab title: 'Custom Menu Items' fields: displaycustommenus.enabled: type: toggle label: 'Display Custom Menu Items' help: 'Determines if any defined custom menu entries are displayed in the menubar.' default: 0 highlight: 1 options: '0': No '1': Yes validate: type: bool menu: name: menu type: list label: 'Custom Menu Items' fields: .text: type: text label: Text description: 'Text label for menu item.' .icon: type: text label: Icon description: 'Font Awesome icon for menu item.' .url: type: text label: URL description: 'URL for menu item.' .target: type: select label: Target default: _self size: medium options: _blank: 'Open in a new window' _parent: 'Open in the parent frame' _top: 'Open in the full body of the window' _self: 'Open in the same frame as clicked' gitsynclink_options: type: tab title: 'Git Sync Link' fields: gitsyncsetup: type: section title: Setup underline: true display_of_git_sync_repo_link: type: select size: medium classes: fancy label: 'Location of Git Sync Link' default: menu options: menu: Menu page: 'Page (visible when ''Chromeless'')' footer: Footer none: None type_of_git_sync_repo_link: type: select size: medium label: 'Type of Git Sync Link' default: view options: view: 'View Git Repository' edit: 'View/Edit Page in Git Repository' gitsyncoptions: type: section title: Appearance underline: true custom_git_sync_repo_link_icon: type: input.text size: small label: 'Custom Font Awesome Icon' description: 'Short name, e.g. ''code-fork''.' validate: type: text custom_git_sync_repo_link_text: type: input.text size: long label: 'Custom Link Text' description: 'Link text, e.g. ''View Page in GitHub'' or ''View Page as Markdown''.' validate: type: text git_sync_edit_note_text: type: input.text size: medium label: 'Text before Page Link' description: 'The text before Git Sync Link located on a Page, e.g. ''Have a suggestion or correction?'' or ''Want to reuse this open content?''.' custom_git_sync_repo_presentation_link_text: type: input.text size: long label: 'Custom Presentation Link Text' description: 'Link text for embedded Presentations, e.g. ''View Slides in GitHub'' or ''View Slides as Markdown''.' validate: type: text gitsyncadvanced: type: section title: Advanced underline: true git_sync_repo_link: type: input.url label: 'Custom Git Repository Tree URL' help: 'Enter the URL that leads to the pages folder of your Git Repository.' description: 'URL path to pages folder for ''View/Edit Page in Git Repository'' option, but with ''/pages'' and everything following it removed. For example, ''''.' validate: type: URL