# v1.1.8 ## 01/03/2023 1. [](#bugfix) * fix event blueprint 2. [](#improved) * shorten todays URL in calendar header # v1.1.7 ## 12/26/2022 1. [](#bugfix) * fix day/month name length selection # v1.1.6 ## 12/21/2022 1. [](#new) * french and italian translation * support open doors * support tickets * allow length adjustment of day and month names * button for ical recreation selection 2. [](#improved) * removed bourbon and neat * some minor things and reorderings 3. [](#bugfix) * |raw filter * line endings # v1.1.5 ## 07/20/2020 1. [](#new) * merged code from https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/pull/12 * merged code from https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/pull/16 2. [](#improved) * some reordering 3. [](#bugfix) * fixed https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/issues/8 by adding default cases to switch statements * merged code from https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/pull/11 # v1.1.4 ## 02/16/2020 1. [](#improved) * updated dependencies * some minor layout changes 3. [](#bugfix) * fixed date translation issue (https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/issues/5) * fixed geocoding issue (https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/issues/4) * fixed an issue with the calendar table height, table is now fully shown * fixed years in changelog # v1.1.3 ## 01/15/2020 1. [](#improved) * cleaned up settings, made more dates and times formatable, removed some obsolete code # v1.1.2 ## 01/14/2020 1. [](#improved) * merged code from https://github.com/ChrisGitIt/grav-plugin-events/commit/b1296cfd066b40b55a7fe18d831732526946b0bc and https://github.com/ChrisGitIt/grav-plugin-events/commit/63cef2dc3690229651c8cf458dcc6a2af6320357 * merged code from https://github.com/bmrankin/grav-plugin-events/commit/ea778ebaf9dc5b81dedcbcd4fa65bc32d2adcd17 * added message for virtual folder usage * merged fix from https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/pull/2 3. [](#bugfix) * fixed code from https://github.com/kalebheitzman/grav-plugin-events/pull/48/commits/8455f71826f74bda299486772d269468c6ed4347 * merged fix from https://github.com/maelanleborgne/grav-plugin-events/commit/8005044f5db0b760fbf74cbff6e4e175f09d5675 * fixed issue from https://discourse.getgrav.org/t/there-is-no-direct-support-at-github-for-events-plugin/10733 * merged fix from https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/pull/1 * merged fix from https://github.com/pikim/grav-plugin-events/pull/3 # v1.1.1 ## 10/05/2019 1. [](#improved) * updated dependencies 3. [](#bugfix) * merged fix from https://github.com/u01jmg3/ics-parser/issues/238#issuecomment-527717558 # v1.1.0 ## 08/15/2019 1. [](#new) * added ics file parsing * added German translation * merged some code from several pull requests and known issues 2. [](#improved) * removed unused elements from admin site and added some new * revised templates and CSS * updated dependencies * some minor changes 3. [](#bugfix) * fixed translation of weekdays # v1.0.16 ## 12/25/2016 1. [](#new) * Added the ability to add date exceptions to events 1. [](#improved) * More intuitive calendar navigation # v1.0.15 ## 10/02/2016 1. [](#new) * Added a location field with auto geo-decoded coordinates from address * New visual styles and templates for calendar and events * Calendar shows a modal when clicking on a day so the end user can see every event that day. * French language translation has been added 1. [](#improved) * Cleaned up plugin blueprint but preserved old options in comments * The events processor has been rewritten from the ground up to use Page and Collection objects instead of a custom tokenized array for serving pages. * Atoum testing framework has been added to the plugin and I'll be writing tests in the near future. # v1.0.14 ## 09/15/2016 1. [#bugfix] * Issue #25 - Variable not initialized throws error in for loop. # v1.0.13 ## 08/19/2016 1. [](#new) * Added Events sidebar with events listing 1. [](#bugfix) * Issue #21 - Admin form now automatically shows up * Fixed event template types in blueprints. * Fixed monthly frequency dates. * Fixed doubling of events. * Fixed repeat rules. * Removed uncoded show future events toggle # v1.0.12 ## 08/18/2016 1. [](#new) * Issue #24 - Added German translation from @aender6840 # v1.0.11 ## 08/12/2016 1. [](#new) * [microformats2](http://microformats.org) support * Dates are now translated in the `event_item` template, if `events.date_format.translate` setting # v1.0.10 ## 07/04/2016 1. [](#bugfix) * Bumped version number # v1.0.9 ## 07/04/2016 1. [](#improved) * Added start and end times to calendar template * Added demo link that points to the start for this calendar (advance forward to see new events, etc) * Added a link to a github repo to see Event configuration under the user/pages Grav directory 1. [](#bugfix) * Issue #13 - Wrong link in read me for demo site. * Issue #15 - Current day in current month only (not multiple months) * Issue #16 - Update for Grav 1.1 fixed with 1.0.4 DateTools plugin # v1.0.8 ## 03/15/2016 1. [](#bugfix) * Issue #8 - Fixed unset arrays causing fatal error # v1.0.7 ## 03/14/2016 1. [](#improved) * Templates now reflect default Grav Antimatter Theme 1. [](#bugfix) * Issue #7 - Event repeating once a week not rendedered correctly * Issue #6 - Media now being displayed with each dynamic event # v1.0.6 ## 03/05/2016 1. [](#new) * Templates now display default tag and category taxonomy type as links. 1. [](#improved) * Default templates updated * Page load times have been decreased from ~250ms to ~90ms on PHP7. 1. [](#bugfix) * Issue #4 - Fixed repeating rule display from MTWRFSU to full Monday, Tuesday, etc in templates. * Fixed singular repeating display rule in templates. # v1.0.5 ## 02/29/2016 1. [](#new) * Added detailed code documentation via phpdoc. These can be found under the /docs folder. 1. [](#bugfix) * Updated changelog to work on Grav Website # v1.0.4 ## 02/28/2016 1. [](#new) * Refactored code into events and calendar classes * Added phpdoc based docs under the docs folder 1. [](#improved) * When generating a large number of events, page load speeds would drastically slow down. That has been improved to roughly 100ms on PHP 7 and 160ms on PHP 5.6 * Instead of using an epoch string in the url to generate date times, we use a unique 6 digit token and reference event date information via the token. 1. [](#bugfix) * There were several repeating and frequency date issues that have now been resolved. Please update to 1.0.4 to ensure you don't run into these issues. # v1.0.3 ## 02/24/2016 1. [](#bugfix) * Fixed major fatal error when events don't exist # v1.0.2 ## 02/24/2016 1. [](#new) * Added calendar controls 1. [](#improved) * Updated readme documentation 1. [](#bugfix) * Fixed repeating issues * Fixed frequency issues # v1.0.1 ## 02/23/2016 1. [](#new) * Added calendar view with previous and next month navigation 1. [](#bugfix) * Issue #2 - Fixed Changelog format # v1.0.0 ## 02/22/2016 1. [](#new) * ChangeLog started...