{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %} {% set collection = page.collection() %} {% set show_breadcrumbs = header_var('show_breadcrumbs', [page, events])|defined(true) %} {% set show_pagination = header_var('show_pagination', [page, events])|defined(true) %} {% set show_sidebar = header_var('show_sidebar', [page, events])|defined(true) %} {% block content %} {% if show_breadcrumbs and config.plugins.breadcrumbs.enabled %} {% include 'partials/breadcrumbs.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {{ page.content|raw }}
{% if collection|length != 0 %} {% for event in collection %} {% include 'partials/event_item.html.twig' with { 'page': event, 'single': false } %} {% endfor %} {% else %}


{{ ("PLUGIN_EVENTS.EVENTS.NO_EVENTS_CONTENT"|t(uri.param('category')))|markdown }}

{% endif %}
{# Render the pagination list #} {% if show_pagination and config.plugins.pagination.enabled and collection.params.pagination %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% include 'partials/events_sidebar.html.twig' with { 'page': page.parent } %}