
197 lines
3.1 KiB

// Page Container
.container {
width: $large-desktop-container;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
@include breakpoint(desktop-range) {
width: $desktop-container;
@include breakpoint(tablet-range) {
width: $tablet-container;
@include breakpoint(large-mobile-range) {
width: $large-mobile-container;
@include breakpoint(small-mobile-range) {
width: $mobile-container;
// Grid Row and Column Setup
.grid {
@include display(flex);
@include flex-flow(row);
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
@include breakpoint(mobile-only) {
@include flex-flow(row wrap);
.block {
@include flex(1);
min-width: 0;
min-height: 0;
@include breakpoint(mobile-only) {
@include flex(0 100%);
// Content Block Spacing
.content {
margin: $content-margin;
padding: $content-padding;
body [class*="size-"] {
@include breakpoint(mobile-only) {
@include flex(0 100%);
// Custom Size Modifiers
.size-1-2 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/2));
.size-1-3 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/3));
.size-1-4 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/4));
.size-1-5 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/5));
.size-1-6 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/6));
.size-1-7 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/7));
.size-1-8 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/8));
.size-1-9 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/9));
.size-1-10 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/10));
.size-1-11 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/11));
.size-1-12 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/12));
@include breakpoint(tablet-range) {
.size-tablet-1-2 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/2));
.size-tablet-1-3 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/3));
.size-tablet-1-4 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/4));
.size-tablet-1-5 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/5));
.size-tablet-1-6 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/6));
.size-tablet-1-7 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/7));
.size-tablet-1-8 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/8));
.size-tablet-1-9 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/9));
.size-tablet-1-10 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/10));
.size-tablet-1-11 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/11));
.size-tablet-1-12 {
@include flex(0 percentage(1/12));
// Fix for Firefox versions 27 and below
@include breakpoint(mobile-only) {
@supports not (flex-wrap: wrap) {
.grid {
display: block;
@include flex-wrap(inherit);
.block {
display: block;
@include flex(inherit);
// Reordering
.first-block {
-webkit-box-ordinal-group: 0;
-webkit-order: -1;
-ms-flex-order: -1;
order: -1;
.last-block {
-webkit-box-ordinal-group: 2;
-webkit-order: 1;
-ms-flex-order: 1;
order: 1;
// Fixed Grid Style
.fixed-blocks {
@include flex-flow(row wrap);
.block {
@include flex(inherit);
width: $fixed-block-full;
@include breakpoint(desktop-range) {
width: $fixed-block-desktop;
@include breakpoint(tablet-range) {
width: $fixed-block-tablet;
@include breakpoint(mobile-only) {
width: 100%;
// Fix for browsers that don't support flex-wrap
@supports not (flex-wrap: wrap) {
.fixed-blocks {
display: block;
@include flex-flow(inherit);