FediPotato makes direct use of the following libraries and programs: C** and the C++ standard library From: The C++ committee and community, implemented by various projects. https://isocpp.org/ mastodonpp From: tastytea and community https://schlomp.space/tastytea/mastodonpp License: AGPL-3.0-only nlohmann-json From: Niels Lohmann and community https://github.com/nlohmann/json License: MIT Qt From: The Qt Project and community https://www.qt.io/ License: GPL-2.0-only, GPL-3.0-only and LGPL-3.0-only CMake From: Kitware and community https://cmake.org/ License: Custom license https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/Copyright.txt Doxygen From: Dimitri van Heesch and community http://www.doxygen.org License: GPL-2.0-only Catch From: Martin Hořeňovský and community https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2 License: BSL-1 dpkg From: The Debian project and community https://packages.qa.debian.org/d/dpkg.html License: GPL-2.0-or-later rpm From: Red Hat and community https://rpm.org License: GPL-2.0-only and LGPL-2.0-only The following files are copied from other projects: FindFilesystem.cmake From: CMake Community Modules https://github.com/vector-of-bool/CMakeCM License: BSD-3-Clause License no_avatar.svg, originally mm.svg From: ivatar https://git.linux-kernel.at/oliver/ivatar/ License: AGPL-3.0-or-later