{ "description": "Another freezepeach instance[1,2], owner is ableistic and transmisic[3], and a Trump fan[4, about section]. Claims about a \"communist coup\" that is \"taking place in america\". Allegedly the real Trump is \"missing\" and \"hiding\" and that his tweets are invented by twitter. They call for a heavily armed, violent revolution by the alt-right (\"80 MILLION ARMED AMERICANS MUST RISE NOW OR AMERICA WILL FALL TO COMMUNISM NOW JANUARY 20TH!!\")[5].", "instance": "rayn.bo", "receipts": [ "https://rayn.bo/about/more", "https://rayn.bo/@Raynbo/105557128654521278", "https://rayn.bo/@Raynbo/105556572474080892", "https://rayn.bo/@Raynbo", "https://rayn.bo/@QSourceX/105556952508961898" ], "report_time": "2021-01-15T03:06:25", "screenshots": [ "web-390-1.png", "web-390-2.png", "web-390-3.png", "web-390-4.png" ], "tags": [ "free speech", "alt-right", "conspiracism", "violence", "ableism", "transmisia" ] }