{{- if or (.IsHome) (in .Site.Params.mainMenu .Section) -}} {{- $title := .Site.Title -}} {{- $desc := "" -}} {{- $i18n_section := i18n "news" -}} {{- if .IsHome -}} {{- $desc = printf "Aktuelle Informationen vom %s" $title -}} {{- $title = printf "%s: %s" $title $i18n_section -}} {{- else if in .Site.Params.mainMenu .Section -}} {{- $desc = printf "Aktuelle Informationen vom %s" .Site.Title -}} {{- $i18n_section = i18n .Section -}} {{- $title = printf "%s: %s" .Site.Title $i18n_section -}} {{- end -}} {{- $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "in" .Site.Params.searchSections -}} {{- if eq .Section "events" -}} {{- $pages = where $pages ".Params.when" "ne" nil -}} {{- else if eq .Section "about" -}} {{- $pages = where $pages ".Params.about" "ne" nil -}} {{- else if eq .Section "featured" -}} {{- $pages = where $pages ".Params.featured" "ne" nil -}} {{- else if eq .Section "tags" -}} {{- $pages = where $pages ".Params.tags" "ne" nil -}} {{- end -}} {{- printf "" | safeHTML -}} {{- .Site.Title -}} {{- .Permalink -}} {{- $desc -}} Hugo -- gohugo.io{{- with .Site.LanguageCode -}} {{.}}{{end}}{{- with .Site.Author.email -}} {{.}}{{- with $.Site.Author.name -}} ({{.}}){{end}}{{end}}{{- with .Site.Author.email -}} {{.}}{{- with $.Site.Author.name -}} ({{.}}){{end}}{{end}}{{- with .Site.Copyright -}} {{.}}{{end}}{{- if not .Date.IsZero -}} {{- .Date.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML -}}{{- end -}} {{- with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS" -}} {{- printf "" .Permalink .MediaType | safeHTML -}} {{- end -}} {{- range $pages -}} {{- if or (eq .Lastmod .Date) (gt .Lastmod (.Date.AddDate 0 0 -1)) -}} {{- $when := .Params.when -}} {{- $about := .Params.about -}} {{- $covid := .Params.covid -}} {{- $contact := .Params.contact -}} {{- $price := .Params.price -}} {{- $featured := .Params.featured -}} {{- $categories := slice -}} {{- range .Params.categories -}} {{- $categories = $categories | append . -}} {{- end -}} {{- $events := slice -}} {{- range .Params.events -}} {{- $events = $events | append . -}} {{- end -}} {{- $tags := slice -}} {{- range .Params.tags -}} {{- $tags = $tags | append . -}} {{- end -}} {{- $images := slice -}} {{- $hash := slice $when $about $categories $events $covid $contact $price $featured $tags .Date .Lastmod .Title .Content -}} {{- $hash = delimit $hash ", " -}} {{- $hash = md5 $hash -}} {{- if .Params.events -}} {{- index .Params.events 0 -}}: {{- else if .Params.recurrent -}} {{- if i18n "recurrent" -}} {{- i18n "recurrent" -}}: {{- else -}} {{- "Recurrent" -}}: {{- end -}} {{- else if .Params.categories -}} {{- if in .Params.categories "Buha" -}} In eigener Sache: {{- end -}} {{- end }} {{ .Title -}} {{- .Permalink -}} {{- .Lastmod.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML -}} {{- with .Site.Author.email -}}{{.}}{{- with $.Site.Author.name -}} ({{.}}){{end}}{{end}} {{- .Permalink -}}-{{- $hash -}} {{- $c := .Content -}} {{- $summary := "" -}} {{- if in .RawContent "" -}} {{- $tmp := split .RawContent "" -}} {{- $c = index $tmp 0 | markdownify -}} {{- else if $c -}} {{- if hasPrefix .Summary "

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%s" "%" $banner.Permalink $banner.Width $banner.Height $c -}} {{- end -}} {{- if $when -}} {{- $c = printf "


%s" $when $c -}} {{- end -}} {{- range .Resources.ByType "image" -}} {{- $img := . -}} {{- if not (hasPrefix $img.Name "banner") -}} {{- $c = printf "%s

" $c "%" $img.Permalink $img.Width $img.Height -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- printf "" $c | safeHTML -}} {{- end -}}
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