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2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;;; common.el --- Common programming settings. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Time-stamp: <2020-03-18T14:58:25+0100>
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'basics/package-management)
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
(require 'basics/global-variables)
(use-package emacs
:defines (compilation-mode-map)
:custom (compilation-scroll-output 'first-error)
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:config (progn
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil ; Set default indentation.
tab-width 4)
(electric-pair-mode t) ; Auto-type closing brackets.
(defun my/clangd-version ()
"Returns the version of clangd as float."
(nth 2 (split-string
(shell-command-to-string "clangd --version"))))))
:bind (("C-:" . ff-find-other-file) ; Switch between header and source.
(:map compilation-mode-map
("<f5>" . compilation-previous-error)
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
("<f6>" . compilation-next-error))))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Guess indentation and if spaces or tabs are to be used.
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
(use-package dtrt-indent
:after (editorconfig)
:diminish dtrt-indent-mode
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:hook ((dtrt-indent-mode . editorconfig-apply)
(prog-mode . dtrt-indent-mode)))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Online documentation mode.
(use-package eldoc
:diminish eldoc-mode
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:hook (prog-mode . turn-on-eldoc-mode))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Syntax checking with many plugins.
(unless slow-computer
(use-package flycheck
:defer nil
:functions (flycheck-add-mode)
:diminish flycheck-mode
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:custom ((flycheck-cppcheck-checks '("style" "warning" "information"))
(flycheck-emacs-lisp-load-path 'inherit)) ; Use load-path of Emacs.
:config (progn
(setq flycheck-check-syntax-automatically
(delq 'idle-change flycheck-check-syntax-automatically))
(flycheck-add-mode 'html-tidy 'web-mode)
(flycheck-add-mode 'css-csslint 'web-mode))
:bind (:map flycheck-mode-map
("<f5>" . flycheck-previous-error)
("<f6>" . flycheck-next-error)
("<f7>" . flycheck-list-errors)))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
) ; unless slow-computer.
;; Autocompletion mode with many plugins.
(unless slow-computer
(use-package company
:diminish company-mode
:custom ((company-minimum-prefix-length 1) ; Suggestions after 1 character.
(company-selection-wrap-around t)
(company-tooltip-align-annotations t) ; Align to the right border.
(company-idle-delay 0.5))
:bind (:map company-active-map
("<return>" . nil) ; Disable completion on return.
("RET" . nil) ; https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/13290
("<tab>" . company-complete-selection) ; Make tab work in lists.
("TAB" . company-complete-selection)) ; Tab in terminals.
:hook (after-init . global-company-mode))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Fuzzy autocompletion for company.
(use-package company-flx
:after company
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:config (company-flx-mode +1))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
(use-package company-statistics
:after company
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:hook (after-init . company-statistics-mode))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Documentation popups for completions.
(use-package company-quickhelp
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:config (company-quickhelp-mode))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
) ; unless slow-computer.
;; Automatic project management.
(unless slow-computer
(use-package projectile
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:after (treemacs ivy window-purpose)
2020-02-03 15:13:18 +01:00
:functions (f-directory?
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:diminish projectile-mode
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:init (progn
(defvar my/cmake-compile-command ; cmake command for compiling with
(concat "cmake --build . -- -j" ; 1 core less than available.
(shell-command-to-string "nproc --ignore=1") 0 -1)))
(defun my/switch-project ()
"Find file in project, add project to `treemacs' and
collapse other projects."
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
(if (member 'counsel-projectile-mode minor-mode-list)
(other-window 1))
(defun my/projectile-kill-buffers ()
"Kill project buffers and delete other windows."
(purpose-set-window-purpose-dedicated-p nil nil)))
:custom ((projectile-project-compilation-dir "build")
(projectile-switch-project-action 'my/switch-project)
"cmake -GUnix\\ Makefiles -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
(projectile-completion-system 'ivy))
:config (progn
(setq projectile-project-compilation-cmd
(concat my/cmake-compile-command
" && cd tests && ctest -Q"))
(projectile-mode +1)
;; Mark variables as safe. Prevents prompts with .dir-locals.el.
(put 'projectile-project-compilation-cmd
'safe-local-variable #'stringp)
(put 'projectile-project-configure-cmd
'safe-local-variable #'stringp)
;; Auto-search for projects.
(if (f-directory? "~/Projekte")
(setq projectile-project-search-path '("~/Projekte"))))
:bind (("C-c p" . 'projectile-command-map)
(:map projectile-command-map
("k" . 'my/projectile-kill-buffers))
(:map projectile-mode-map ; Only override in projectile-mode.
("C-x C-f" . 'projectile-find-file))))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
) ; unless slow-computer.
;; Highlight TODO, FIXME, NOTE and so on.
(use-package hl-todo
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:bind (:map hl-todo-mode-map
("C-c t" . hl-todo-occur))
:hook (prog-mode . hl-todo-mode))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Better commenting.
(use-package smart-comment
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:bind ("C-x c" . smart-comment))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Toggle betweeen beginning/end of line and beginning/end of code.
(use-package mwim
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:bind (("<home>" . mwim-beginning-of-line-or-code)
("<end>" . mwim-end-of-line-or-code)))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Needs to be here in order to diminish it.
(use-package hideshow
:diminish hs-minor-mode)
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Fold code.
(use-package fold-dwim
:after (hideshow)
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:bind ("C-c f" . fold-dwim-toggle)
:hook (prog-mode . hs-minor-mode))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Highlight indentation.
(use-package hl-indent
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:custom-face (hl-indent-face
((t (:inherit hl-indent-face ; Reversed whitespace.
:background "gray18"
:foreground "#1c1e1f"))))
:hook (prog-mode . hl-indent-mode))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Tries to find points of interest in buffer and jumps to them.
(use-package imenu
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:custom (imenu-auto-rescan t)
:bind ("M-i" . imenu))
;; Tries to find points of interest in all open buffers and jumps to them.
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
(use-package imenu-anywhere
:after (imenu ivy)
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:bind ("C-M-i" . ivy-imenu-anywhere))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Jump to definition using grep.
(use-package dumb-jump
:after (ivy)
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:custom (dumb-jump-selector 'ivy)
:bind ("M-." . dumb-jump-go)) ; Will be overwritten by more intelligent modes.
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
;; Support .editorconfig files.
(use-package editorconfig
:diminish editorconfig-mode
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:config (editorconfig-mode 1))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
2020-01-27 02:39:22 +01:00
(use-package smerge-mode
:defines (smerge-mode-map)
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:bind (:map smerge-mode-map
("<f5>" . smerge-prev)
("<f6>" . smerge-next)
("<f7>" . smerge-resolve)))
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
(use-package copyright
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:config (defun my/maybe-copyright-update ()
"Update existing copyright notice to indicate the current
year if mode is derived from prog-mode."
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
(if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
:hook (before-save . my/maybe-copyright-update))
2020-01-28 04:47:57 +01:00
;; Highlights parentheses, brackets or braces according to their depth.
(use-package rainbow-delimiters
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:custom (rainbow-delimiters-max-face-count 2)
:custom-face (rainbow-delimiters-depth-1-face
((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-base-face
:foreground "LightPink"))))
((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-base-face
:foreground "LightGreen"))))
((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-base-face
:foreground "MediumPurple1"))))
((t (:inherit rainbow-delimiters-base-face
:foreground "LightSkyBlue"))))
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:hook (prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))
2020-01-28 04:47:57 +01:00
2020-02-04 18:50:04 +01:00
(use-package rainbow-mode
:diminish rainbow-mode
2020-03-09 15:36:23 +01:00
:hook (prog-mode . rainbow-mode))
2020-02-04 18:50:04 +01:00
2019-10-14 17:38:14 +02:00
(provide 'programming/common)
;;; common.el ends here