39 lines
854 B
39 lines
854 B
;;; latex.el --- Settings for LaTeX. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Time-stamp: <2019-12-26T07:41:35+00:00>
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(use-package tex-site
:ensure auctex
:if (executable-find "xetex")
:functions (TeX-revert-document-buffer)
(TeX-parse-self t) ; Enable parse on load.
(TeX-auto-save t) ; Enable parse on save
(TeX-PDF-mode t) ; PDF mode (rather than DVI-mode)
(TeX-engine 'xetex)
("\\.tex$" . LaTeX-mode)
;; To have the buffer refresh after compilation.
(add-hook 'TeX-after-compilation-finished-functions
;; Auto complete for LaTeX.
(use-package company-auctex
:after (auctex)
(LaTeX-mode . company-auctex-init)
(provide 'text/latex)
;;; latex.el ends here