= Hateful Speech :toc: preamble :list: hateful_speech :imagesdir: {uri-base}/src/branch/main/{list}/receipts :figure-caption!: Instances are on this list are included because: * The instance description or CoC / ToS declares it as a “free speech” zone and does not forbid hateful speech. * At least one of the admins / moderators engaged in hateful speech. * At least one user engaged in hateful speech and the admins / moderators didn't stop it after 24 hours. == Definition of hateful speech * Racism or advocation of racism. * Antisemitism or advocation of antisemitism. * Sexism or advocation of sexism. * Casteism or advocation of casteism. * Discrimination against gender and sexual minorities, or advocation thereof. * Ableism or discrimination against those who are neurodivergent, physically disabled, or mentally ill. * Xenophobic and/or violent nationalism. == Instances === freespeechextremist.com ==== Reason: “Free speech” zone. ==== Receipts: .+https://freespeechextremist.com/about+ image::freespeechextremist.com_1.png[] === *.smuglo.li ==== Reason: Racism. The admin uses the N-word frequently. ==== Receipts: .+https://pl.smuglo.li/notice/9rZP1B3l2WHprTSYC0+ image::smuglo.li_1.png[Admin using the N-word.]