= FediBlock :toc: preamble :project: FediBlock :uri-base: https://schlomp.space/tastytea/{project} :uri-fediverse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse :uri-coc: {uri-base}/src/branch/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.adoc :uri-git-format-patch: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-format-patch :uri-git-send-email: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-send-email Our goal is to create a list of block-worthy link:{uri-fediverse}[Fediverse]-instances that serves as a collective reference for the pleasant part of the Fediverse and to help new admins to get started without being flooded with shit. == Categories Each category has their own rules for inclusions. * link:{uri-base}/src/branch/main/harassment[Harassment] * link:{uri-base}/src/branch/main/hateful_speech[Hateful speech] * link:{uri-base}/src/branch/main/spam[Spam] == How to contribute Read the link:{uri-coc}[Code of Conduct]. You can either suggest an instance in an link:{uri-base}/issues[issue] or make a Pull Request. In both cases you need to provide a reason and proof. === Pull Request Use the instance domain as headline, followed by the reason and receipts. Each receipt consists of an URI to the offending post and a screenshot. The screenshots belong in the folder `receipts/`. .Example for a Pull Request [source,asciidoc] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- === instance.example.com ==== Reason: Admin randomly insults people. ==== Receipts: .+https://instance.example.com/@admin/123456789+ image::instance.example.com_1.png[] .+https://instance.example.com/@admin/987654321+ image::instance.example.com_2.png[] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == How to get off the list If your instance is on a list and you think it shouldn't be, please open an link:{uri-base}/issues[issue] and explain why it should be removed from the list.