#!/bin/sh if [ "$(basename ${PWD})" != "themes" ]; then echo "cd to theme directory, please." >&2 exit 1 fi mkdir -p tastytea/static/assets for file in style.css style-compat.css; do cp slick/static/assets/${file} tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Remove fonts, save >400KiB (~92,5%) sed -Ei 's/@font-face\{[^\}]+\}//g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Increase font-size sed -i 's/font-size:16px/font-size:18px/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Set maximum characters per line to 100 sed -i 's/body{margin:0}/body{max-width:100ch;margin:auto}/' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Reduce margin above listing blocks sed -i 's/$/div.listingblock pre{margin-top:0.1em;}/' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Add dark background to sed -i 's/$/p>code{background-color:#10111280;}/' tastytea/static/assets/${file} sed -i 's/#1d1f21/#101112/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Code Background sed -i 's/#ffffff/#1d1f21/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Background sed -i 's/#fff/#1d1f21/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Background sed -i 's/#efefef/#282a2e/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Current Line sed -i 's/#eee/#282a2e/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Current Line sed -i 's/#d6d6d6/#373b41/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Selection sed -i 's/#4d4d4c/#c5c8c6/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Foreground sed -i 's/#8e908c/#969896/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Comment sed -i 's/#c82829/#cc6666/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Red sed -i 's/#f5871f/#de935f/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Orange sed -i 's/#eab700/#f0c674/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Yellow sed -i 's/#718c00/#b5bd68/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Green sed -i 's/#3e999f/#8abeb7/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Aqua sed -i 's/#4271ae/#81a2be/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Blue sed -i 's/#8959a8/#b294bb/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Purple sed -i 's/#000/#e2e0de/g' tastytea/static/assets/${file} # Some links done