/* Copyright © 2020 tastytea * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* A side table. Units are supposed to be cm. * You will need for this build: * - 1 kind of lath * - 1 kind of board * - A saw (unless you have matching materials) * - A drill * - A screwdriver * - A few screws * - A rasp * - A file (optional) * - Sandpaper * * For the windshields: * - Another kind of lath * - Magnets from cigarette paper packaging or bolts */ /* clang-format off */ include; /* clang-format on */ $fs = 0.1; table_width = 40.0; /* x */ table_depth = 30.0; /* y */ table_height = 80.0; /* z */ table_overhang = 2.0; /* Space between edge of table and leg. */ tabletop_height = 2.0; /* z */ leg_width = 4.0; /* x */ leg_depth = 4.0; /* y */ leg_height = table_height - tabletop_height; /* z */ module side_table() { echo("Leg height", leg_height); module legs() { for (x = [table_overhang, table_width - leg_width - table_overhang]) { for (y = [table_overhang, table_depth - leg_depth - table_overhang]) { translate([x, y, 0]) { cube( [leg_width, leg_depth, table_height - tabletop_height]); } } } } module bracings() { z = leg_height - ceil(leg_height / 3); echo("bracings start at height", z, "from bottom"); echo("bracings start at height", leg_height - z - leg_depth, "from leg top"); for (x = [table_overhang, table_width - table_overhang - leg_width]) { translate([x, table_overhang + leg_depth, z]) { cube([ leg_width, table_depth - (leg_depth * 2) - (table_overhang * 2), leg_depth ]); } } } module top() { translate([0, 0, table_height - tabletop_height]) { roundedcube(size = [table_width, table_depth, tabletop_height], radius = 0.3); } } color("Tan") { legs(); } if ((table_height / leg_width) > 10) { color("SandyBrown") { bracings(); } } color("BurlyWood") { top(); } } module windbreaks() { thickness = 1; /* x */ height = 4; /* z */ gap = 4; /* z */ margin = leg_width / 4; /* Between edge of tabletop and windbreaks. */ module magnets(length, h = 0.12, d = 0.5) { middle = thickness / 2; for (y = [thickness * 2, length / 2, length - (thickness * 2)]) translate([middle, y, 0]) { cylinder(h = h, d = d); } } module windbreak(length) { difference() { color("SandyBrown") { cube([thickness, length, height]); } magnets(length = length); } } module triangle(points, height) { linear_extrude(height) { polygon(points); } } module side() { translate([0, 0, 0]) { length = table_depth - (margin * 2); difference() { windbreak(length); translate([0, length - thickness, 0]) { triangle(points = [[thickness, 0], [0, thickness], [thickness, thickness]], height = 4); } } } } module top() { translate([margin, table_depth - thickness - margin, 0]) { length = table_width - (margin * 2); rotate([0, 0, -90]) { color("Tan") { difference() { windbreak(length); triangle(points = [ [0, 0], [thickness, thickness], [thickness, 0] ], height = 4); translate([0, length - thickness, 0]) { triangle(points = [[thickness, 0], [0, thickness], [thickness, thickness]], height = 4); } } } } } } translate([0, margin, table_height + gap]) { translate([0, 0, gap == 0 ? 0 : height / 2]) { top(); } /* Left */ translate([margin, 0, 0]) { side(); } /* Right */ translate([table_width - margin, 0, 0]) { mirror([1, 0, 0]) { side(); } } } } side_table(); render() { windbreaks(); }