local version_required = 'nvim-0.8.0' -- 0.7.0 features we need: -- - autocommands in Lua -- - bind key mappings directly to Lua functions -- - desc in keymaps -- 0.8.0 features we need: -- - dunno, needed for lazy.nvim -- - CursorHold fix if vim.fn.has(version_required) == 0 then print("💥 need " .. version_required .. ", config files will NOT be read!") return nil end -- use the vim plugins installed via the OS package manager if vim.fn.isdirectory('/usr/share/vim/vimfiles') == 1 then vim.opt.runtimepath:append('/usr/share/vim/vimfiles') end require('my/early') require('my.functions') require('my/lazy') require('my/options') require ('my/keybindings') require('my/filetypes') require('my/git')