#!/usr/bin/env zsh # Open URLs based on perl compatible regular expressions. Several commands can # be specified with ; as separator. If the URL doesn't match anything or the # commands are not found, use ${default_cmd}. setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS ERR_RETURN NO_UNSET PIPE_FAIL zmodload zsh/zutil local -a o_help=() zparseopts -D -K -- h=o_help if [[ ${#o_help} -ne 0 || ! -v 1 ]]; then local ret=$(( ${#o_help} ^ 1 )) print -u $(( 1 + ${ret} )) "usage: ${0} [-h] …" return ${ret} fi local -a urls=(${@}) autoload -U readwwwlog openwwwimg zmodload zsh/pcre local default_cmd="firefox" type firefox >& - || default_cmd=firefox-bin local mpv="mpv --force-window=yes --fullscreen" local -a assignments=( '\.(mp4|m4v|mkv|avi|webm|flv|xvid|ogv|theora|mov|wmv)(\?.+)?$' "${mpv};vlc" '\.(ogg|flac|opus|m4a|wav|mp3|mid|aac|wma)(\?.+)?$' "${mpv};vlc" '^https://media\.ccc\.de/v/[^/]*$' "${mpv}" '^https?://(www\.|m\.)?youtu(\.be|be\.com)/' "${mpv}" '^https?://(invidious|piped|tube)\.[^/]+/watch\?v=' "${mpv}" '^https://yewtu\.be/watch\?v=' "${mpv}" '^https://v.redd.it/' "${mpv}" '^(gemini|gopher)://' "kristall" '\.(webm|png|jpe?g|gif|svg|bmp|xcf)(\?.+)?$' "openwwwimg" '\.(log|txt)$' "readwwwlog" '^https?://(www\.)?(dpaste|irccloud|termbin)\.com/' "readwwwlog" '^https?://(www\.)?pastebin\.[^/]+/' "readwwwlog" '^https?://bpa\.st/' "readwwwlog" '^https?://sprunge\.us/' "readwwwlog" '^https?://paste\.debian\.net/' "readwwwlog" '^https?://paste\.centos\.org/' "readwwwlog" '^https?://paste\.ee/' "readwwwlog" '^https?://ix\.io/' "readwwwlog" '^https?://0x0.st/' "readwwwlog" '(^magnet:|\.torrent$)' "transmission-remote-gtk" ) local selected_cmd=${default_cmd} for regex cmds in ${(kv)assignments}; do if [[ ${urls[1]} -pcre-match ${regex} ]]; then for cmd in ${(s/;/)cmds}; do if type ${cmd%% *} >& -; then selected_cmd=${cmd} break fi done break fi done ${(@s/ /)selected_cmd} ${urls}