function() # Keep local variables in here. { ############################## Paths ########################################### export PATH="${HOME}/bin:${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}" export HISTFILE="${ZDOTDIR}/.zsh_history" export ZSH_CACHE_DIR="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-${HOME}/.cache}/zsh" mkdir -p "${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}" if [[ -d "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/man/" ]]; then export MANPATH="${MANPATH}:${XDG_DATA_HOME:-${HOME}/.local/share}/man" fi ############################ Editor ############################################ # Set preferred editor. # Add Defaults env_keep += "SSH_CONNECTION" to /etc/sudoers.d/ssh_vars if command -v emacsclient > /dev/null; then export EMACS_SOCKET_NAME="${HOME}/.emacs.d/server/server" if pgrep -f "emacs --daemon" > /dev/null; then VISUAL="$(command -v emacsclient) -c" else VISUAL="$(command -v emacs)" fi if [[ ${EUID} -eq 0 ]]; then # Edit files as root in the Emacs instance run by the current user. VISUAL="$(command -v emacsremote) --sudo --local" fi elif command -v emacs > /dev/null; then VISUAL="$(command -v emacs)" elif command -v nano > /dev/null; then VISUAL="$(command -v nano)" elif command -v vim > /dev/null; then VISUAL="$(command -v vim)" fi export VISUAL export EDITOR="${VISUAL}" export ALTERNATE_EDITOR="$(command -v nano)" ############################# Plugins ########################################## zmodload zsh/stat zmodload zsh/datetime if command -v fzf > /dev/null; then # Only load these plugins if fzf was found. local _depends_on_fzf="Aloxaf/fzf-tab" fi if command -v antibody > /dev/null; then local plugin_cache_dir="$(antibody home)" export ZSH_PLUGIN_SOURCE="${plugin_cache_dir}/antibody-plugins.zsh" if [[ -f "${ZSH_PLUGIN_SOURCE}" ]] \ && [[ $(zstat +size "${ZSH_PLUGIN_SOURCE}") -ne 0 ]]; then local _plugins_modified=$(zstat +mtime "${ZSH_PLUGIN_SOURCE}") local _now=$(strftime '%s') # Update plugins every 10 days if [[ $(( ${_now} - ${_plugins_modified} - 60 * 60 * 24 * 10)) -gt 0 ]]; then print "\e[3;95mUpdating plugins…\e[0m" antibody update --parallelism=$(nproc --ignore=1) \ && touch "${ZSH_PLUGIN_SOURCE}" fi else print "\e[3;95mInstalling plugins…\e[0m" mkdir -p "${plugin_cache_dir}" antibody bundle --parallelism=$(nproc --ignore=1) < "${ZSH_PLUGIN_SOURCE}" ${_depends_on_fzf} zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions mafredri/zsh-async zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting # Must come after zsh-syntax-highlighting zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search EOF fi else print -u 2 "\e[7;95mantibody not found.\e[0m" fi ############################# Variables ######################################## # Stop at chars not in there with backward-word and so on export WORDCHARS="${WORDCHARS//(\/|_|.)}" # minicom color on. export MINICOM="-c on -R utf-8" export PASSWORD_STORE_GENERATED_LENGTH="43" export LESS="--tabs=4 --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --LONG-PROMPT" if command -v highlight > /dev/null; then # ~/.lessfilter handles the highlighting LESSOPEN="| $(command -v lesspipe) %s" export CATOPEN="highlight --validate-input --force --out-format=truecolor --style=base16/unikitty-reversible --stdout %s" elif command -v pygmentize > /dev/null; then LESSOPEN="| $(command -v pygmentize) -f terminal16m -g -O style=paraiso-dark %s" elif command -v source-highlight > /dev/null; then LESSOPEN="| $(command -v source-highlight) --failsafe --infer-lang --out-format=esc --input=%s" elif command -v lesspipe > /dev/null; then LESSOPEN="| $(command -v lesspipe) %s" elif command -v > /dev/null; then LESSOPEN="| $(command -v %s" fi export LESSOPEN # Show AS for each hop. export MTR_OPTIONS="-z" # Set SDL soundfont. if [[ -f "/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2" ]]; then export SDL_SOUNDFONTS="/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2" fi # Make virsh use the local hypervisor by default. if command -v virsh > /dev/null; then export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI="qemu:///system" fi # Use ISO 8601 date & time. if command -v locale > /dev/null; then locale -a | grep -q en_DK && export LC_TIME="en_DK.utf8" fi export CCACHE_DIR="/var/cache/ccache" # Set terminal if command -v alacritty > /dev/null; then export TERMINAL="alacritty" elif command -v xfce4-terminal > /dev/null; then export TERMINAL="xfce4-terminal" elif command -v urxvt > /dev/null; then export TERMINAL="urxvt" elif command -v xterm > /dev/null; then export TERMINAL="xterm" fi # Add some nice colors to ls output function _gen_lscolor() { local color="${1}" shift local -a extensions=("${@}") for ext in ${extensions}; do print -n ":*.${ext}=${color}" done } unset LS_COLORS # Program code (rose) LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;177" cpp cxx c++ c go rs)" LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;177" py rb el ebuild zsh sh bash pl php phtml qml)" # Stuff that gets included (violet + italic) LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "3;38;5;141" hpp hxx h++ h qss qrc)" LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "3;38;5;141" css sass scss tmpl csp inc)" # Build systems and adjacent (green) LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;112" patch diff in cmake build mk ac m4 am)" # Images, audio, video, playlists (yellow, orange, green) LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;184" webp png jpg jpeg gif svg svgz xcf bmp ico icns tiff tif xpm xbm tga ppm)" LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;172" flac opus ogg oga mp3 m4a wav mid midi wma ac3 au aac spx)" LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;172" mkv webm ogv ogm mp4 m4v avi mpeg mpg wmv flv mov 3gp asf)" LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;112" m3u m3u8 pls xspf)" # Text (cyan) LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;117" txt md adoc org rst html xhtml shtml htm)" # Config files (ochre) LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;100" cfg json ini conf yml yaml xml toml)" # Compressed files and archives (red) LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}$(_gen_lscolor "38;5;124" tar gz tgz zst bz2 xz lzma ar zip rar 7z Z arc lha cpio zoo)" # Special cases LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}:*Makefile=38;5;112:*CMakeLists.txt=38;5;112:*meson_options.txt=38;5;112" LS_COLORS="${LS_COLORS}:*go.mod=38;5;112:*go.sum=38;5;112" export LS_COLORS unfunction _gen_lscolor # Host specific settings. case ${HOST} in schnibble | gaffer | localhost) export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssha" # Termux command for ssh with key-add. export CPATH="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/include" export LIBRARY_PATH="/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/local/lib" ;; esac [[ -f "${ZDOTDIR}"/zsecrets ]] && source "${ZDOTDIR}"/zsecrets ############################# Daemons ########################################## # Run SSH/GPG agents if they are installed and not already started. If they are # started, attempt to inherit them. if command -v keychain > /dev/null; then if [[ $(pgrep --uid ${EUID} ssh-agent) && $(pgrep --uid ${EUID} gpg-agent) ]]; then # Set environment variables from files. if [[ -z "${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}" ]]; then source "${HOME}/.keychain/$(hostname)-sh" fi if [[ -z "${GPG_AGENT_INFO}" ]]; then source "${HOME}/.keychain/$(hostname)-sh-gpg" fi else # Start SSH/GPG agents and write environment variables to files. eval $(keychain --agents "ssh,gpg" \ --timeout $((60*16)) \ --inherit local \ --quiet --eval) # eval $(keychain --agents "ssh,gpg" \ --timeout $((60*16)) \ --inherit local \ --quiet --eval) fi else # keychain not installed, start SSH/GPG agents if they are not running. if command -v ssh-agent > /dev/null \ && [[ ! $(pgrep --uid ${EUID} ssh-agent) ]]; then eval $(ssh-agent -t 16H 2> /dev/null) fi if command -v gpg-agent > /dev/null \ && [[ ! $(pgrep --uid ${EUID} gpg-agent) ]]; then eval $(gpg-agent --daemon --quiet --default-cache-ttl $((60*16)) \ --max-cache-ttl $((60*16))) fi fi return 0 }