It may look nicer but it leads to problems. Also tweaked some thinks and cleaned up, made firenvim config only run if it is used.
39 lines
1.9 KiB
39 lines
1.9 KiB
vim.o.number = true -- line numbers
vim.o.list = true -- show whitespace
vim.o.listchars = 'tab:▸ ,trail:·,nbsp:+'
vim.o.textwidth = 80 -- default text width
vim.o.colorcolumn = tostring(vim.o.textwidth)
vim.o.wrap = false -- don't wrap long lines
vim.o.linebreak = true -- break on word boundaries
vim.o.cursorline = true -- highlight row with cursor
vim.o.scrolloff = 5 -- show 5 lines below/above cursor
vim.o.sidescrolloff = 5 -- same for left/right
vim.o.expandtab = true -- indent using spaces
vim.o.tabstop = 4 -- 1 tab = 4 spaces
vim.o.shiftwidth = 4 -- 1 indentation = 4 spaces
vim.o.completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noselect' -- completion popup
vim.o.autochdir = true -- change workir to current file dir
vim.o.updatetime = 500 -- fire CursorHold autocommand event
vim.o.cmdheight = 2 -- message area size
vim.o.mouse = '' -- make use of mouse in these modes
vim.o.pumheight = 10 -- maximum entries in popup menu
vim.o.smartindent = true -- indent after { and so on
vim.o.statusline = '%<%f %h%m%r%=%-16.(%l,%c%V (%P)%)%y'
vim.cmd([[command! -narg=1 -complete=help Hv vert help <args>]])
vim.cmd([[command! -narg=1 -complete=help Ht tab help <args>]])
-- theme
vim.o.termguicolors = true -- 24 bit colours
packer.use {
vim.cmd('colorscheme amora')
-- make comments a bit lighter
highlight AmoraComment ctermfg=61 guifg=#7C4180
highlight AmoraCommentBold cterm=bold ctermfg=61 gui=bold guifg=#7C4180
packer.use 'https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'