#!/bin/zsh # Download YouTube-feeds like they are podcasts. # Error codes: # 1 = Could not read file or directory. # 2 = Configuration option not set. function die() { [[ -n "${2}" ]] && echo "Error: ${2}" >&2 exit ${1} } # Return path of configuration directory. function get_config_path() { local path if [[ -n "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}" ]]; then path="${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/download-yt-feeds" else path="${HOME}/.config/download-yt-feeds" fi [[ -d "${path}" ]] || mkdir -p "${path}" [[ -r "${path}" ]] || die 1 "${path} is not readable." echo "${path}" } # Return URLs of YouTube-feeds in feedlist. # All lines that don't start with "http" are ignored. function read_feedlist() { local feed_path="$(get_config_path)/feedlist" [[ -r "${feed_path}" ]] || die 1 "${feed_path} is not readable." local -a entries while read line; do if [[ "${line}" =~ "^http" ]]; then local -a entry=("${(@s/ /)line}") entries+=(${entry[1]}) fi done <"${feed_path}" print -r -- ${(qq)entries} } function main() { local config_path="$(get_config_path)/config" [[ -r "${config_path}" ]] || die 1 "${config_path} is not readable." source "${config_path}" [[ -z "${download_dir}" ]] && die 2 "download_dir not specified." [[ -z "${keep_for_days}" ]] && die 2 "keep_for_days not specified." [[ -z "${ytdl_format}" ]] && local ytdl_format="best" local -a feedlist=("${(@Q)${(z)$(read_feedlist)}}") for feed in ${feedlist}; do youtube-dl \ --download-archive "$(get_config_path)/downloaded" \ --dateafter "now-${keep_for_days}days" \ --output "${download_dir}/%(channel)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s" \ --format "${ytdl_format}" \ "${feed}" done } main