**expandurl-mastodon** is a Mastodon bot that expands shortened URLs. If you want the bot to expand an URL, reply to the post with the URL in it and mention the bot account (`@expandurl@botsin.space` for example). ![Example screenshot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3681516/39963736-908e3eea-5663-11e8-9a9c-55ca74279235.jpg) This bot uses the same visibility as you, but posts unlisted instead of public. It retains the sensitive flag and spoiler warnings. Some tracking parameters, like those beginning with [utm_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTM_parameters) are stripped. It also tries to rewrite [AMP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerated_Mobile_Pages) URLs to point at the real webpages. Please report any bugs via the [issue tracker on GitHub](https://github.com/tastytea/expandurl-mastodon/issues) or to [@tastytea@soc.ialis.me](https://soc.ialis.me/@tastytea). # Install ## Dependencies * Tested OS: Linux * C++ compiler (tested: gcc 6.4) * [cmake](https://cmake.org/) (tested: 3.9.6) * [curlpp](http://www.curlpp.org/) (tested: 0.8.1) * [mastodon-cpp](https://github.com/tastytea/mastodon-cpp) (at least: 0.13.1) * [jsoncpp](https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp) (tested: 1.8.4) ## Get sourcecode ### Development version git clone https://github.com/tastytea/expandurl-mastodon.git ## Compile mkdir build cd build/ cmake .. make Install with `make install`. # Usage **The config file has changed from cfg to JSON in 0.4.0.** You will need to generate an access token yourself at the moment. Create a config file with your account and access token in `${HOME}/.config/expandurl-mastodon.json`: { "account": "expandurl@example.social", "access_token": "abc123" } Now start expandurl-mastodon without parameters. # Copyright Copyright © 2018 tastytea . License GPLv3: GNU GPL version 3 . This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.