#!/bin/zsh # Generates an nginx-map of User-Agents to block from the rejected domains in # mrf_simple. # Save the output to a file and include it in an nginx configuration file. Then # add `if ($blockedagent) { return 403; }` to your server blocks. # Version: 2019-08-17_1 function get_domains() # Outputs domains, separated by newline. { local instance="${1}" local nodeinfo=$(curl -s "https://${instance}/nodeinfo/2.1.json") local domains_json=$(jq -c '.metadata.federation.mrf_simple.reject' \ <<<"${nodeinfo}") sed -e 's/\[//' -e 's/\]//' -e 's/"//g' -e 's/,/\n/g' <<<"${domains_json}" } function print_entry() { local domain="${1}" # Filter out wildcard domains. if ! [[ "${domain}" =~ "\*" ]]; then domain=$(sed 's/\./\\./g' <<<${domain}) echo " ~* ${domain} 1;" fi } function main() { local instance="${1}" if [[ -z "${instance}" ]]; then echo "Usage: ${ZSH_ARGZERO} instance" >&2 echo " ${ZSH_ARGZERO} instance > /etc/nginx/useragents_fedi.rules" return 1 fi if ! command -v curl > /dev/null; then echo "Error: curl not found. Please install it." >&2 return 2 fi if ! command -v jq > /dev/null; then echo "Error: jq not found. Please install it." >&2 return 2 fi echo 'map $http_user_agent $blockedagent {' echo " default 0;" for domain in $(get_domains "${instance}"); do print_entry "${domain}" done echo "}" } main "${1}"