#!/bin/bash # Print some basic info about fediverse instances. # Version: 2019-07-04_1 if [[ -z "${1}" ]]; then echo "usage: ${0} DOMAIN" >&2 exit 1 fi if ! command -v jq > /dev/null; then echo "You need to install jq (https://stedolan.github.com/jq/)" >&2 exit 2 fi function striphtml() { local extract="${*}" echo "${extract}" | sed 's/\\u003c//g' | sed -E 's/<[^>]+>//g' | sed 's/\\r\\n/ /g' | sed -E 's/(^"|"$)//' } function main() { local instance="${1}" # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local nodeinfo=$(curl -s "https://${instance}/.well-known/nodeinfo" | jq -r '.links[-1].href' 2> /dev/null) local mastoinfo="https://${instance}/api/v1/instance" local misskeyinfo="https://${instance}/api/meta" if curl -sIf -X POST "${misskeyinfo}" | grep -iq 'Content-Type: application/json'; then echo "Misskey API found." json=$(curl -s -X POST "${misskeyinfo}") # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local version=$(jq -r ".version" <<<"${json}") echo "Misskey ${version} detected." # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local email=$(jq -r ".maintainerEmail" <<<"${json}") [[ -n "${email}" ]] && echo "E-Mail: ${email}" # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local users=$(curl -s -X POST "https://${instance}/api/stats" | jq -r ".usersCount") [[ -n ${users} ]] && echo "Number of users: ${users}" # NOTE: I'm not sure what the returned data means exactly and I couldn't find the API-documentation. So I commented it out for now. # # shellcheck disable=SC2155 # local federation=$(curl -s -X POST "https://${instance}/api/federation/instances" | jq ".[].host") # # shellcheck disable=SC2046 # [[ -n ${federation} ]] && echo "Federates with: ${federation}" # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local tos=$(jq -r ".ToSUrl" <<<"${json}") [[ -n "${tos}" ]] && echo "ToS: ${tos}" elif curl -sIf "${nodeinfo}" | grep -iq 'Content-Type: application/json'; then echo "Nodeinfo found." json=$(curl -s "${nodeinfo}") # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local implementation=$(jq -r ".software.name" <<<"${json}") # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local version=$(jq -r ".software.version" <<<"${json}") echo "${implementation} ${version} detected." # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local description=$(jq -r ".metadata.nodeDescription" <<<"${json}") if [[ "${description}" == "null" ]]; then description=$(jq -r ".metadata.shortDescription" <<<"${json}") fi if [[ "${description}" == "null" ]]; then description=$(jq -r ".metadata.nodeName" <<<"${json}") fi [[ "${description}" != "null" ]] && echo "Description: ${description}" # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local admins=$(jq -r ".metadata.staffAccounts" <<<"${json}") if [[ "${admins}" == "null" ]]; then admins=$(jq -r ".metadata.adminAccount" <<<"${json}") fi [[ "${admins}" != "null" ]] && echo "Admins: ${admins}" echo -n "Number of users: " jq -r ".usage.users.total" <<<"${json}" # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local restrictions=$(jq -r ".metadata.federation.mrf_simple" <<<"${json}") [[ "${restrictions}" != "null" ]] && echo "Federation restrictions: ${restrictions}" if [[ "${implementation}" == "pleroma" ]]; then echo "Further info, maybe: https://${instance}/about" elif [[ "${implementation}" == "funkwhale" ]]; then echo -n "Artists / tracks: " jq -rj ".metadata.library.artists.total" <<<"${json}" echo -n " / " jq -r ".metadata.library.tracks.total" <<<"${json}" elif [[ "${implementation}" == "mastodon" ]]; then echo "Further info, maybe: https://${instance}/about/more" fi elif curl -sIf "${mastoinfo}" | grep -iq 'Content-Type: application/json'; then echo "Mastodon API found." json=$(curl -s "${mastoinfo}") local implementation="" if grep -Eq '"is_(pro|verified)"' <<<"${json}"; then implementation="Gab" elif grep -Eq '"version":"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\."' <<<"${json}"; then implementation="Florence" elif grep -Eq '"version":"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"' <<<"${json}"; then implementation="Mastodon" elif grep -Eq '"version":"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+"' <<<"${json}"; then implementation="Mastodon fork" fi if [[ -n "${implementation}" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local version=$(jq -r ".version" <<<"${json}") echo "${implementation} ${version} detected." fi echo -n "Description: " # shellcheck disable=SC2046 striphtml $(jq ".description" <<<"${json}") # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local admin=$(jq -r ".contact_account.acct" <<<"${json}") [[ -n "${admin}" ]] && echo "Admin: https://${instance}/users/${admin}" # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local email=$(jq -r ".email" <<<"${json}") [[ -n "${email}" ]] && echo "E-Mail: ${email}" echo -n "Number of users: " jq -r ".stats.user_count" <<<"${json}" if [[ "${implementation}" == "Mastodon" || "${implementation}" == "Mastodon fork" || "${implementation}" == "Florence" || "${implementation}" == "Gab" ]]; then echo "Further info, maybe: https://${instance}/about/more" fi else echo "Could not detect type of server." curl -I "https://${instance}/" fi echo "See also: https://fediverse.network/${instance}" } main "${1}"