= gitea2rss(1) :doctype: manpage :Author: tastytea :Email: tastytea@tastytea.de :Date: 2019-08-09 :Revision: 0.0.0 :man source: gitea2rss :man version: {revision} :man manual: General Commands Manual == NAME gitea2rss - Generates RSS feeds from Gitea releases or tags. == SYNOPSIS *gitea2rss* _URL of Gitea project_ [_releases_|_tags_] == DESCRIPTION gitea2rss fetches the releases (default) or tags from the Gitea API, converts the data into an RSS feed and dumps it to stdout. You can use it as a CGI script to generate the feeds dynamically or simply use cron to generate the feeds at fixed intervals. If you want to use gitea2rss as a CGI script, you have to set *GITEA2RSS_BASEURL* to the basis URL of your instance, without the trailing slash. For example: _https://git.example.com_. The *QUERY_STRING* must contain _repo=user/project_. The feed-URL for alice's project, cooltool, would be: `https://rss.example.com/?repo=alice/cooltool`. You can select the type of the feed by appending `&type=` at the end of the URL. For example: `https://rss.example.com/?repo=alice/cooltool&type=tags`. The generated RSS feed contains the *channel* elements _title_, _link_, _description_, _generator_ and _lastBuildDate_ and the *item* elements _title_, _link_, _guid_, _pubDate_ and _description_. Since Gitea has no individual pages for each release, _link_ elements in *item* are set to the overview page for releases. == GITEA INTEGRATION You can let Gitea automatically insert links to your RSS feeds by editing `${GITEA_CUSTOM}/templates/custom/header.tmpl` and putting something like this in it: [source,html] ---- {{if .Repository.Name}} {{end}} ---- == PROXY SERVERS *gitea2rss* supports HTTP proxies set via the environment variable _http_proxy_. Accepted formats are _http://host:port/_ or _host:port_. == EXAMPLES `gitea2rss https://git.example.com/user/project tags > repo.rss` `https_proxy="socks4a://user:pass@localhost:9050/" gitea2rss https://git.example.com/user/project` === Example RSS feed [source,xml] ---- gitea2rss releases https://schlomp.space/tastytea/gitea2rss List of releases of tastytea/gitea2rss gitea2rss 0.4.4 Mon, 22 Apr 2019 11:46:53 +0000 gitea2rss: 0.1.0 https://schlomp.space/tastytea/gitea2rss/releases schlomp.space release 169 Wed, 17 Apr 2019 04:37:10 +0000 Stable

First release. Everything works, as far as I can tell.

Download tarball

---- == SEE ALSO *crontab*(1), *crontab*(5) == REPORTING BUGS Bugtracker: https://schlomp.space/tastytea/gitea2rss/issues E-mail: tastytea@tastytea.de