#!/bin/bash #Hashes all files in /boot to check them during early boot #Exit codes: 0 = success, 1 = checksum mbr mismatch, 2 = checksum /boot mismatch, #3 = checksum mbr/boot mismatch, 4 = not root, 5 = no hasher found, 6 = wrong usage, #7 = write error, 8 = dd error, 9 = file not found #10 = bios mismatch, 11 == mbr&bios mismatch, 12 = files&bios mismatch #13 = mbr&bios&files mismatch ################################################################################### # "THE HUG-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 1): # # xo and tastytea wrote these files. As long # # as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we # # meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can give us a hug. # ################################################################################### VERSION="0.9.3" PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:${PATH}" DIGEST_FILE="/var/lib/hashboot.digest" DIGEST_FILE_TMP="/tmp/hashboot.digesttmp" LOG_FILE="/tmp/hashboot.log" MBR_DEVICE="/dev/sda" MBR_SIZE=1024 MBR_TMP="/tmp/mbr" BIOS_TMP="/tmp/bios" BACKUP_FILE="/var/cache/boot-backup.tar" HASHER="" BOOT_MOUNTED=0 CONFIG_FILE="/etc/hashboot.cfg" COUNTER=0 DD_STATUS="none" PROGRAMMER="no" #standard change enables bios mode #bitmask: # 001=mbr # 010=files # 100=bios CKMODES=011 #Umount /boot if we mounted it, exit with given exit code die () { if [ ${BOOT_MOUNTED} -gt 0 ] then umount /boot fi [ -z "${2}" ] || echo "${2}" >&2 exit ${1} } write_hashes () { #Write header to ${1} echo "#hashboot ${VERSION} - Algorithm: $(basename ${HASHER})" > ${1} if [ $((${CKMODES} & 001)) != 0 ]; then #copy mbr to file dd if=${MBR_DEVICE} of=${MBR_TMP} bs=${MBR_SIZE}K count=1 status=${DD_STATUS} || die 8 #Write hash of MBR to ${1} ${HASHER} ${MBR_TMP} >> ${1} fi if [ $((${CKMODES} & 010)) != 0 ]; then #Write hashes of all regular files to ${1} find /boot -type f -exec ${HASHER} --binary {} >> ${1} + fi if [ $((${CKMODES} & 100)) != 0 ]; then #if we set an programmer chip in config if [ ! ${PROGRAMMER} == "no" ]; then #read bios to file flashrom --programmer ${PROGRAMMER} -r ${BIOS_TMP} > /dev/null 2>&1 #and write hashes of bios files to ${1} ${HASHER} ${BIOS_TMP} >> ${1} fi fi } #If we're not root: exit if [ ${UID} != "0" ] then die 4 "You have to be root" fi #If /boot is in fstab but not mounted: mount, mark as mounted if grep -q '/boot' /etc/fstab && ! grep -q /boot /etc/mtab then mount /boot BOOT_MOUNTED=1 fi # Debian < 8 check if which lsb_release > /dev/null 2>&1 && [ "$(lsb_release -si)" == "Debian" ] && [ $(lsb_release -sr | cut -d'.' -f1) -lt 8 ] then DD_STATUS="noxfer" fi #Look for config file and set ${MBR_DEVICE}. if [ -f ${CONFIG_FILE} ] then source ${CONFIG_FILE} || die 9 "Error reading config file" #If not found, create one and ask for ${MBR_DEVICE} else #Create ${CONFIG_FILE} with defaults if noninterctive if [ -t "0" ] then echo -n "Which device contains the MBR? [/dev/sda] " read -r MBR_DEVICE [ -z "${MBR_DEVICE}" ] && MBR_DEVICE="/dev/sda" echo "#Device with the MBR on it" > ${CONFIG_FILE} echo "MBR_DEVICE=${MBR_DEVICE}" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo -n "Where should backup file be stored? [/var/cache/boot-backup.tar] " read -r BACKUP_FILE [ -z "${BACKUP_FILE}" ] && BACKUP_FILE="/var/cache/boot-backup.tar" echo "#Where the Backup files are stored" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo "BACKUP_FILE=${BACKUP_FILE}" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo -n "Include BIOS check? (y/n)" read prompt while [[ ! $prompt == "y" || $prompt == "Y" || $prompt == "n" || $prompt == "N" ]]; do read prompt done if [ "${prompt}" == "y" ]; then if which flashrom; then flashrom echo -n "Which programmer? (eg. internal) " read p echo "PROGRAMMER=${p}" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} else echo "No flashrom found. You need to install it." echo "PROGRAMMER=${PROGRAMMER}" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} fi else echo "PROGRAMMER=no" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} fi echo "What do we check?" echo "001=mbr" echo "010=files" echo "100=bios" echo "eg. 101 for mbr and bios: " read CKMODES echo "CKMODES=$CKMODES" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} else echo "#Device with the MBR on it" > ${CONFIG_FILE} echo "MBR_DEVICE=${MBR_DEVICE}" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo "#Where the Backup files are stored" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo "BACKUP_FILE=${BACKUP_FILE}" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo "CKMODES=$CKMODES" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} echo "PROGRAMMER=${PROGRAMMER}" >> ${CONFIG_FILE} fi fi if [ "${2}" > "1" ]; then CKMODES=${2} fi if [ $((${CKMODES} & 001)) != 0 ]; then # Find out where the first partition starts and set ${MBR_SIZE} in KiB sectorsize=$(LC_ALL=C fdisk -l ${MBR_DEVICE} | grep '^Units' | awk '{print $8}' ) if [ "${sectorsize}" == "=" ] # Older versions of util-linux then sectorsize=$(LC_ALL=C fdisk -l ${MBR_DEVICE} | grep '^Units' | awk '{print $9}' ) fi startsector=$(LC_ALL=C fdisk -l ${MBR_DEVICE} | grep -A1 'Device' | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' ) if [ "${startsector}" == "*" ] # If partition is marked as boot, read next field then startsector=$(LC_ALL=C fdisk -l ${MBR_DEVICE} | grep -A1 'Device' | tail -n1 | awk '{print $3}' ) fi MBR_SIZE=$(expr ${sectorsize} \* ${startsector} / 1024) if [ ${?} != 0 ] then echo "Something went wrong. Most likely your partition table is corrupt." >&2 die 1 "You have to recover the MBR manually by copying the mbr from ${BACKUP_FILE}" fi fi if [ "${1}" == "index" ] then #Try different hashers, use the most secure HASHER=$(/usr/bin/which sha512sum 2> /dev/null) test -z "${HASHER}" && HASHER=$(/usr/bin/which sha384sum 2> /dev/null) test -z "${HASHER}" && HASHER=$(/usr/bin/which sha256sum 2> /dev/null) test -z "${HASHER}" && HASHER=$(/usr/bin/which sha224sum 2> /dev/null) #If we found no hasher: exit [ -z "${HASHER}" ] && die 5 "No hash calculator found" #Exists ${DIGEST_FILE}, if true run do magic, else write ${DIGEST_FILE} if [ -f ${DIGEST_FILE} ] then #Collect mbr and /boot hashes and write to $DIGEST_FILE_TMP write_hashes $DIGEST_FILE_TMP #Compare $DIGEST_FILE_TMP against ${DIGEST_FILE} and exit, when fine. Otherwise do magic. if diff -q --ignore-matching-lines='#hashboot' ${DIGEST_FILE} ${DIGEST_FILE_TMP} ; then die 0 else for file in $(diff ${DIGEST_FILE} ${DIGEST_FILE_TMP} | grep -v '#hashboot' | grep '<' | cut -d'*' -f2 | sed 's/\ /\\ /g' ); do #delete from tar tar --delete -v -P -f $BACKUP_FILE $file done for file in $(diff ${DIGEST_FILE} ${DIGEST_FILE_TMP} | grep -v '#hashboot' | grep '>' | cut -d'*' -f2 | sed 's/\ /\\ /g' ); do tar -r -v -P -f $BACKUP_FILE $file done fi #nur, wenn das updaten des Backups geklappt hat. *im Hinterkopf behalt* mv ${DIGEST_FILE_TMP} ${DIGEST_FILE} else write_hashes $DIGEST_FILE tar -cpPf ${BACKUP_FILE} ${BIOS} ${MBR_TMP} /boot ${DIGEST_FILE} || die 7 "Error writing ${BACKUP_FILE}" echo "Backup written to ${BACKUP_FILE}" fi elif [ "${1}" == "check" ] then [ -f ${DIGEST_FILE} ] || die 9 "No digestfile" HASHER=$(head -n1 ${DIGEST_FILE} | awk '{print $5}') if [ $((${CKMODES} & 001)) != 0 ]; then dd if=${MBR_DEVICE} of=${MBR_TMP} bs=${MBR_SIZE}K count=1 status=${DD_STATUS} || die 8 grep ${MBR_TMP} ${DIGEST_FILE} | ${HASHER} --check --warn --quiet --strict | tee ${LOG_FILE} if [ ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -ne 0 ] then echo " !! TIME TO PANIK: MBR WAS MODIFIED !!" COUNTER=$((COUNTER + 1)) fi fi if [ $((${CKMODES} & 010)) != 0 ]; then grep -v ${MBR_TMP} ${DIGEST_FILE} | grep -v ${BIOS_TMP} | ${HASHER} --check --warn --quiet --strict | tee -a ${LOG_FILE} if [ ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -ne 0 ] then echo " !! TIME TO PANIK: AT LEAST 1 FILE WAS MODIFIED !!" COUNTER=$((COUNTER + 2)) fi fi if [ $((${CKMODES} & 100)) != 0 ]; then flashrom --programmer ${PROGRAMMER} -r ${BIOS_TMP} > /dev/null 2>&1 #if we set an programmer chip in config, find line with hash for bios and compare. if smthg wrong, panic if [ ! ${PROGRAMMER} == "no" ]; then grep ${BIOS_TMP} ${DIGEST_FILE} | ${HASHER} --check --warn --quiet --strict | tee -a ${LOG_FILE} if [ ${PIPESTATUS[1]} -ne 0 ] then echo " !! TIME TO PANIK: BIOS WAS MODIFIED !!" COUNTER=$((COUNTER + 10)) fi fi fi if [ ${COUNTER} -gt 0 ]; then die ${COUNTER} fi elif [ "${1}" == "recover" ] then echo "Restoring files from backup... (type yes or no for each file)" #For each failed file: ask if it should be recovered from backup for file in $(cut -d: -f1 ${LOG_FILE}) do tar -xpPvwf ${BACKUP_FILE} ${file} [ $? != 0 ] && echo "Error restoring ${file} from backup, continuing" >&2 #If the MBR is to be recovered, copy to ${MBR_DEVICE} if [ "${file}" == ${MBR_TMP} ] then cp ${MBR_TMP} ${MBR_DEVICE} [ $? != 0 ] && echo "Error restoring MBR from backup, continuing" >&2 fi done else die 6 "Usage: ${0} index|check|recover" fi die 0