= nocolor :project: hugo-theme-nocolor :uri-base: https://schlomp.space/tastytea/{project} :uri-hugo: https://gohugo.io/ :uri-slick: https://github.com/spookey/slick :uri-slick-example: {uri-slick}/blob/master/_sites/example/config.toml :uri-opengraph: http://ogp.me/ :uri-schema: https://schema.org/ :uri-twittercards: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/optimize-with-cards/overview/abouts-cards.html :uri-hugo-doc-toc: https://gohugo.io/content-management/toc :uri-tomorrow-pygments: https://github.com/mozmorris/tomorrow-pygments *nocolor* is a link:{uri-hugo}[Hugo] theme with no predefined colors and minimal styling. It is based on link:{uri-slick}[Slick]. == Features * Supports taxonomies of tags, categories and series with their own pages. * RSS Feed with complete entries. * link:{uri-opengraph}[Open Graph], link:{uri-schema}[Schema.org] and link:{uri-twittercards}[Twitter Cards] support. * Fully customizable menu entries. * No JavaScript, no bundled fonts, no external requests. == Installation [source,shell] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- git submodule add https://schlomp.space/tastytea/hugo-theme-nocolor.git themes/nocolor echo 'theme = "nocolor"' >> config.toml -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Configuration & Modification Please take a look at the link:{uri-slick-example}[configuration example for Slick]. It is valid for nocolor too. You can add things to the end of the `` section by overwriting the partial template `extra-head.html` or above the footer by overwriting `extra_foot.html`. The common way to do it is to create `layouts/partials/extra_head.html` or `layouts/partials/extra_foot.html`, respectively. If you want source code highlighting, take a look at link:{uri-tomorrow-pygments}[tomorrow-pygments]. == Good to know Table of contents are only written when the word count exceeds 400 and the `toc` field in your content’s front matter is set to true. See link:{uri-hugo-doc-toc}[the Hugo documentation] for details. You can overwrite the template by adding the file `layouts/partials/toc.html` to your blog. include::{uri-base}/raw/branch/main/CONTRIBUTING.adoc[]