/* This file is part of mastodon-cpp. * Copyright © 2018 tastytea * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "version.hpp" #include "macros.hpp" #include "mastodon-cpp.hpp" #include using namespace Mastodon; API::API(const string &instance, const string &access_token) : _instance(instance) , _access_token(access_token) , _useragent(string("mastodon-cpp/") + global::version) , _http(*this, instance, access_token) , _exceptions(false) , _proxy("") , _proxy_userpw("") { // } void API::set_useragent(const std::string &useragent) { _useragent = useragent; } const string API::get_useragent() const { return _useragent; } const string API::get_instance() const { return _instance; } const string API::maptostr(const parametermap &map, const bool &firstparam) { string result = ""; char delim = '?'; if (!firstparam) { delim = '&'; } for (const auto &it : map) { if (it.second.size() == 1) { result += (delim + it.first + "=" + urlencode(it.second.front())); if (delim == '?') { delim = '&'; } } else { for (const string &str : it.second) { result += (delim + it.first + "[]=" + urlencode(str)); if (delim == '?') { delim = '&'; } } } } ttdebug << "Constructed parameter string: " << result << '\n'; return result; } const curlpp::Forms API::maptoformdata(const parametermap &map) { curlpp::Forms formdata; if (map.size() == 0) { return formdata; } for (const auto &it : map) { if (it.second.size() == 1) { // If the file is not base64-encoded, treat as filename if ((it.first == "avatar" || it.first == "header" || it.first == "file") && it.second.front().substr(0, 4).compare("data") != 0) { ttdebug << it.first << ": Filename detected.\n"; formdata.push_back( new curlpp::FormParts::File(it.first, it.second.front())); } else { string key = it.first; if (key == "account_ids" || key == "exclude_types" || key == "media_ids") { key += "[]"; } formdata.push_back( new curlpp::FormParts::Content(key, it.second.front())); } } else { for (const string &str : it.second) { formdata.push_back(new curlpp::FormParts::Content(it.first + "[]", str)); } } } return formdata; } const std::string API::urlencode(const std::string &str) { return curlpp::escape(str); } const std::string API::urldecode(const std::string &str) { return curlpp::unescape(str); } uint_fast16_t API::register_app1(const string &client_name, const string &redirect_uri, const string &scopes, const string &website, string &client_id, string &client_secret, string &url) { API::parametermap parameters = { { "client_name", { client_name } }, { "redirect_uris", { redirect_uri } }, { "scopes", { scopes } }, { "website", { website } } }; string answer; uint_fast16_t ret = post(API::v1::apps, parameters, answer); if (ret == 0) { std::smatch match; std::regex reid("client_id\":\"([^\"]+)\""); std::regex resecret("client_secret\":\"([^\"]+)\""); std::regex_search(answer, match, reid); client_id = match[1].str(); std::regex_search(answer, match, resecret); client_secret = match[1].str(); url = "https://" + _instance + "/oauth/authorize" + "?scope=" + urlencode(scopes) + "&response_type=code" + "&redirect_uri=" + urlencode(redirect_uri) + "&client_id=" + client_id; if (!website.empty()) { url += "&website=" + urlencode(website); } return 0; } else if (ret == 13) { url = answer; return ret; } else { std::cerr << "Error code: " << ret << '\n'; return ret; } } uint_fast16_t API::register_app2(const string &client_id, const string &client_secret, const string &redirect_uri, const string &code, string &access_token) { API::parametermap parameters = { { "client_id", { client_id } }, { "client_secret", { client_secret } }, { "grant_type", { "authorization_code" } }, { "redirect_uri", { redirect_uri } }, { "code", { code } }, }; std::string answer; uint_fast16_t ret = post("/oauth/token", parameters, answer); if (ret == 0) { std::smatch match; std::regex retoken("access_token\":\"([^\"]+)\""); std::regex_search(answer, match, retoken); access_token = match[1].str(); _access_token = access_token; return 0; } else { std::cerr << "Error code: " << ret << '\n'; return ret; } } const string API::get_header(const std::string &header) const { string headers; _http.get_headers(headers); size_t startpos = headers.find(header + ':'); if (startpos != std::string::npos) { startpos = headers.find(':', startpos) + 2; size_t endpos = headers.find("\r\n", startpos); return headers.substr(startpos, endpos - startpos); } return ""; } bool API::exceptions(const bool &value) { _exceptions = value; return _exceptions; } bool API::exceptions() const { return _exceptions; } const string API::unescape_html(const string &html) { string buffer = html; string output = ""; // Used to convert int to utf-8 char std::wstring_convert, char32_t> u8c; // Matches numbered entities between 1 and 8 digits, decimal or hexadecimal std::regex re_entity("&#(x)?(\\d{1,8});"); std::smatch match; while (std::regex_search(buffer, match, re_entity)) { char32_t codepoint = 0; // 'x' in front of the number means it's hexadecimal, else decimal. if (match[1].length() == 1) { codepoint = std::stoi(match[2].str(), nullptr, 16); } else { codepoint = std::stoi(match[2].str(), nullptr, 10); } output += match.prefix().str() + u8c.to_bytes(codepoint); buffer = match.suffix().str(); } output += buffer; // Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XML_and_HTML_character_ // entity_references#Character_entity_references_in_HTML const std::array, 258> names = {{ { "exclamation", 0x0021 }, { "quot", 0x0022 }, { "percent", 0x0025 }, { "amp", 0x0026 }, { "apos", 0x0027 }, { "add", 0x002B }, { "lt", 0x003C }, { "equal", 0x003D }, { "gt", 0x003E }, { "nbsp", 0x00A0 }, { "iexcl", 0x00A1 }, { "cent", 0x00A2 }, { "pound", 0x00A3 }, { "curren", 0x00A4 }, { "yen", 0x00A5 }, { "brvbar", 0x00A6 }, { "sect", 0x00A7 }, { "uml", 0x00A8 }, { "copy", 0x00A9 }, { "ordf", 0x00AA }, { "laquo", 0x00AB }, { "not", 0x00AC }, { "shy", 0x00AD }, { "reg", 0x00AE }, { "macr", 0x00AF }, { "deg", 0x00B0 }, { "plusmn", 0x00B1 }, { "sup2", 0x00B2 }, { "sup3", 0x00B3 }, { "acute", 0x00B4 }, { "micro", 0x00B5 }, { "para", 0x00B6 }, { "middot", 0x00B7 }, { "cedil", 0x00B8 }, { "sup1", 0x00B9 }, { "ordm", 0x00BA }, { "raquo", 0x00BB }, { "frac14", 0x00BC }, { "frac12", 0x00BD }, { "frac34", 0x00BE }, { "iquest", 0x00BF }, { "Agrave", 0x00C0 }, { "Aacute", 0x00C1 }, { "Acirc", 0x00C2 }, { "Atilde", 0x00C3 }, { "Auml", 0x00C4 }, { "Aring", 0x00C5 }, { "AElig", 0x00C6 }, { "Ccedil", 0x00C7 }, { "Egrave", 0x00C8 }, { "Eacute", 0x00C9 }, { "Ecirc", 0x00CA }, { "Euml", 0x00CB }, { "Igrave", 0x00CC }, { "Iacute", 0x00CD }, { "Icirc", 0x00CE }, { "Iuml", 0x00CF }, { "ETH", 0x00D0 }, { "Ntilde", 0x00D1 }, { "Ograve", 0x00D2 }, { "Oacute", 0x00D3 }, { "Ocirc", 0x00D4 }, { "Otilde", 0x00D5 }, { "Ouml", 0x00D6 }, { "times", 0x00D7 }, { "Oslash", 0x00D8 }, { "Ugrave", 0x00D9 }, { "Uacute", 0x00DA }, { "Ucirc", 0x00DB }, { "Uuml", 0x00DC }, { "Yacute", 0x00DD }, { "THORN", 0x00DE }, { "szlig", 0x00DF }, { "agrave", 0x00E0 }, { "aacute", 0x00E1 }, { "acirc", 0x00E2 }, { "atilde", 0x00E3 }, { "auml", 0x00E4 }, { "aring", 0x00E5 }, { "aelig", 0x00E6 }, { "ccedil", 0x00E7 }, { "egrave", 0x00E8 }, { "eacute", 0x00E9 }, { "ecirc", 0x00EA }, { "euml", 0x00EB }, { "igrave", 0x00EC }, { "iacute", 0x00ED }, { "icirc", 0x00EE }, { "iuml", 0x00EF }, { "eth", 0x00F0 }, { "ntilde", 0x00F1 }, { "ograve", 0x00F2 }, { "oacute", 0x00F3 }, { "ocirc", 0x00F4 }, { "otilde", 0x00F5 }, { "ouml", 0x00F6 }, { "divide", 0x00F7 }, { "oslash", 0x00F8 }, { "ugrave", 0x00F9 }, { "uacute", 0x00FA }, { "ucirc", 0x00FB }, { "uuml", 0x00FC }, { "yacute", 0x00FD }, { "thorn", 0x00FE }, { "yuml", 0x00FF }, { "OElig", 0x0152 }, { "oelig", 0x0153 }, { "Scaron", 0x0160 }, { "scaron", 0x0161 }, { "Yuml", 0x0178 }, { "fnof", 0x0192 }, { "circ", 0x02C6 }, { "tilde", 0x02DC }, { "Alpha", 0x0391 }, { "Beta", 0x0392 }, { "Gamma", 0x0393 }, { "Delta", 0x0394 }, { "Epsilon", 0x0395 }, { "Zeta", 0x0396 }, { "Eta", 0x0397 }, { "Theta", 0x0398 }, { "Iota", 0x0399 }, { "Kappa", 0x039A }, { "Lambda", 0x039B }, { "Mu", 0x039C }, { "Nu", 0x039D }, { "Xi", 0x039E }, { "Omicron", 0x039F }, { "Pi", 0x03A0 }, { "Rho", 0x03A1 }, { "Sigma", 0x03A3 }, { "Tau", 0x03A4 }, { "Upsilon", 0x03A5 }, { "Phi", 0x03A6 }, { "Chi", 0x03A7 }, { "Psi", 0x03A8 }, { "Omega", 0x03A9 }, { "alpha", 0x03B1 }, { "beta", 0x03B2 }, { "gamma", 0x03B3 }, { "delta", 0x03B4 }, { "epsilon", 0x03B5 }, { "zeta", 0x03B6 }, { "eta", 0x03B7 }, { "theta", 0x03B8 }, { "iota", 0x03B9 }, { "kappa", 0x03BA }, { "lambda", 0x03BB }, { "mu", 0x03BC }, { "nu", 0x03BD }, { "xi", 0x03BE }, { "omicron", 0x03BF }, { "pi", 0x03C0 }, { "rho", 0x03C1 }, { "sigmaf", 0x03C2 }, { "sigma", 0x03C3 }, { "tau", 0x03C4 }, { "upsilon", 0x03C5 }, { "phi", 0x03C6 }, { "chi", 0x03C7 }, { "psi", 0x03C8 }, { "omega", 0x03C9 }, { "thetasym", 0x03D1 }, { "upsih", 0x03D2 }, { "piv", 0x03D6 }, { "ensp", 0x2002 }, { "emsp", 0x2003 }, { "thinsp", 0x2009 }, { "zwnj", 0x200C }, { "zwj", 0x200D }, { "lrm", 0x200E }, { "rlm", 0x200F }, { "ndash", 0x2013 }, { "mdash", 0x2014 }, { "horbar", 0x2015 }, { "lsquo", 0x2018 }, { "rsquo", 0x2019 }, { "sbquo", 0x201A }, { "ldquo", 0x201C }, { "rdquo", 0x201D }, { "bdquo", 0x201E }, { "dagger", 0x2020 }, { "Dagger", 0x2021 }, { "bull", 0x2022 }, { "hellip", 0x2026 }, { "permil", 0x2030 }, { "prime", 0x2032 }, { "Prime", 0x2033 }, { "lsaquo", 0x2039 }, { "rsaquo", 0x203A }, { "oline", 0x203E }, { "frasl", 0x2044 }, { "euro", 0x20AC }, { "image", 0x2111 }, { "weierp", 0x2118 }, { "real", 0x211C }, { "trade", 0x2122 }, { "alefsym", 0x2135 }, { "larr", 0x2190 }, { "uarr", 0x2191 }, { "rarr", 0x2192 }, { "darr", 0x2193 }, { "harr", 0x2194 }, { "crarr", 0x21B5 }, { "lArr", 0x21D0 }, { "uArr", 0x21D1 }, { "rArr", 0x21D2 }, { "dArr", 0x21D3 }, { "hArr", 0x21D4 }, { "forall", 0x2200 }, { "part", 0x2202 }, { "exist", 0x2203 }, { "empty", 0x2205 }, { "nabla", 0x2207 }, { "isin", 0x2208 }, { "notin", 0x2209 }, { "ni", 0x220B }, { "prod", 0x220F }, { "sum", 0x2211 }, { "minus", 0x2212 }, { "lowast", 0x2217 }, { "radic", 0x221A }, { "prop", 0x221D }, { "infin", 0x221E }, { "ang", 0x2220 }, { "and", 0x2227 }, { "or", 0x2228 }, { "cap", 0x2229 }, { "cup", 0x222A }, { "int", 0x222B }, { "there4", 0x2234 }, { "sim", 0x223C }, { "cong", 0x2245 }, { "asymp", 0x2248 }, { "ne", 0x2260 }, { "equiv", 0x2261 }, { "le", 0x2264 }, { "ge", 0x2265 }, { "sub", 0x2282 }, { "sup", 0x2283 }, { "nsub", 0x2284 }, { "sube", 0x2286 }, { "supe", 0x2287 }, { "oplus", 0x2295 }, { "otimes", 0x2297 }, { "perp", 0x22A5 }, { "sdot", 0x22C5 }, { "lceil", 0x2308 }, { "rceil", 0x2309 }, { "lfloor", 0x230A }, { "rfloor", 0x230B }, { "lang", 0x2329 }, { "rang", 0x232A }, { "loz", 0x25CA }, { "spades", 0x2660 }, { "clubs", 0x2663 }, { "hearts", 0x2665 }, { "diams", 0x2666 } }}; for (auto &pair : names) { const std::regex re('&' + pair.first + ';'); output = std::regex_replace(output, re, u8c.to_bytes(pair.second)); } return output; } void API::set_proxy(const string &proxy, const string &userpw) { _proxy = proxy; _proxy_userpw = userpw; } void API::get_proxy(string &proxy, string &userpw) const { if (!_proxy.empty()) { proxy = _proxy; if (!_proxy_userpw.empty()) { userpw = _proxy_userpw; } } }