/* This file is part of mastodon-cpp. */ // Don't compile this if the Easy-interface is turned off #ifndef WITHOUT_EASY #include #include #include "mastodon-cpp.hpp" #include "easy/easy.hpp" #include "easy/entities/status.hpp" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Mastodon::Easy test("botsin.space", ""); std::string answer; std::uint16_t ret = test.get(Mastodon::API::v1::timelines_public, { { "limit", { "1" } } }, answer); if (ret == 0) { Mastodon::Easy::Status status(answer); if (status.valid()) { return 0; } } std::cout << ret << ": " << answer << '\n'; return 1; } #else #include int main() { printf("mastodon-cpp was compiled without Easy support.\n"); return 0; } #endif // WITHOUT_EASY