**rss2mastodon** dumps RSS feeds into a mastodon account. It is hacked together and generally only extended/fixed when it fails. Use at your own risk. # Install ## Dependencies * Tested OS: Linux * C++ compiler (tested: gcc 6.4, clang 5.0) * [cmake](https://cmake.org/) (tested: 3.9.6) * [boost](http://www.boost.org/) (tested: 1.63.0) * [libcurl](https://curl.haxx.se/) (tested: 7.58.0) * [curlpp](http://www.curlpp.org/) (tested: 0.8.1) * [mastodon-cpp](https://github.com/tastytea/mastodon-cpp) (at least: 0.2.0) ## Get sourcecode ### Development version git clone … ## Compile mkdir build cd build/ cmake .. make cmake options: * `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` for a debug build Install with `make install`. # Usage Put watchwords.json into `~/.config/rss2mastodon/`. Launch with profile name. In the first run only the newest entry is tooted. The profile can't be named "global". ## Error codes | Code | Explanation | | --------: |:------------------------------| | 0 | No error | | 1 | Invalid call | | 2 | Not implemented | | 16 | Connection failed | | 17 | TLS error | | 18 | Invalid response from server | | 32 | Wrong number of arguments | | 33 | File not found | | 100 - 999 | HTTP status codes | | 65535 | Unknown exception | If you use a debug build, you get more verbose error messages. # Copyright Copyright © 2018 tastytea . License GPLv3: GNU GPL version 3 . This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.