/* This file is part of mastorss. * Copyright © 2019 tastytea * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "document.hpp" #include "exceptions.hpp" #include "version.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace mastorss { using boost::regex; using boost::regex_replace; using std::any_of; using std::transform; using std::ifstream; using std::istringstream; using std::stringstream; using std::string; using std::move; bool operator !=(const Item &a, const Item &b) { return a.guid != b.guid; } Document::Document(Config &cfg) : _cfg{cfg} , _profiledata{_cfg.profiledata} { RestClient::init(); download(); } Document::~Document() { RestClient::disable(); } void Document::download(const string &uri, const bool temp_redirect) { RestClient::Connection connection{uri}; connection.SetUserAgent(string("mastorss/").append(version)); connection.FollowRedirects(false); RestClient::Response response{connection.get("")}; switch (response.code) { case 200: { _raw_doc = response.body; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Downloaded feed: " << _profiledata.feedurl; break; } case 301: case 308: { if (temp_redirect) { goto temporary_redirect; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-goto) } _profiledata.feedurl = extract_location(response.headers); if (_profiledata.feedurl.empty()) { throw HTTPException{response.code}; } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Feed has new location (permanent): " << _profiledata.feedurl; _cfg.write(); download(); break; } case 302: case 303: case 307: { temporary_redirect: const string newuri{extract_location(response.headers)}; if (newuri.empty()) { throw HTTPException{response.code}; } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Feed has new location (temporary): " << newuri; download(newuri, true); break; } case -1: { throw CURLException{errno}; } default: { throw HTTPException{response.code}; } } } void Document::download() { download(_profiledata.feedurl); } void Document::parse() { parse_watchwords(); pt::ptree tree; istringstream iss{_raw_doc}; pt::read_xml(iss, tree); if (tree.front().first == "rss") { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "RSS detected."; parse_rss(tree); } else { throw ParseException{"Could not detect type of feed."}; } } void Document::parse_rss(const pt::ptree &tree) { for (const auto &child : tree.get_child("rss.channel")) { if (child.first == "item") { const auto &rssitem = child.second; string guid{rssitem.get("guid", "")}; if (guid.empty()) // We hope either or are present. { guid = rssitem.get("link"); } if (any_of(_profiledata.guids.begin(), _profiledata.guids.end(), [&](const auto &old_guid) { return guid == old_guid; })) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Found already posted GUID: " << guid; if (_profiledata.keep_looking) { continue; } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Stopped parsing."; break; } string title{rssitem.get("title")}; if (any_of(_profiledata.skip.begin(), _profiledata.skip.end(), [&title](const string &skip) { return title.substr(0, skip.size()) == skip; })) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Skipped GUID: " << guid; continue; } Item item; item.description = [&] { string desc{rssitem.get("description")}; for (const auto &fix : _profiledata.fixes) { desc = regex_replace(desc, regex{fix}, ""); } desc = remove_html(desc); return add_hashtags(desc); }(); item.guid = move(guid); item.link = rssitem.get("link"); item.title = move(title); new_items.push_front(item); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Found GUID: " << item.guid; if (_profiledata.guids.empty()) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "This is the first run."; break; } } } } string Document::remove_html(string html) const { html = Mastodon::unescape_html(html); // Decode HTML entities. html = regex_replace(html, regex{"

"}, "\n\n"); const list re_list { regex{R"()"}, // CDATA end. regex{"<[^>]+>"}, // HTML tags. regex{R"(\r)"}, // Carriage return. regex{"\\n[ \\t\u00a0]+\\n"}, // Whitespace between newlines. regex{R"(^\n+)"} // Newlines at the beginning. }; for (const regex &re : re_list) { html = regex_replace(html, re, ""); } // Remove excess newlines. html = regex_replace(html, regex{R"(\n{3,})"}, "\n\n"); // Replace single newlines with spaces (?<= is lookbehind, ?= is lookahead). html = regex_replace(html, regex{R"((?<=[^\n])\n(?=[^\n]))"}, " "); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Converted HTML to text."; return html; } string Document::extract_location(const RestClient::HeaderFields &headers) const { string location{headers.at("Location")}; if (location.empty()) { location = headers.at("location"); } return location; } string Document::add_hashtags(const string &text) { string out{text}; for (const auto &tag : _watchwords) { regex re_tag("([[:space:]\u200b]|^)(" + tag + ")([[:space:]\u200b[:punct:]]|$)", regex::icase); out = regex_replace(out, re_tag, "$1#$2$3", boost::format_first_only); } return out; } void Document::parse_watchwords() { Json::Value json; const auto filepath = _cfg.get_config_dir() /= "watchwords.json"; ifstream file{filepath}; if (file.good()) { stringstream rawjson; rawjson << file.rdbuf(); rawjson >> json; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "Read " << filepath; } else { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "File Not found: " << (_cfg.get_config_dir() /= "watchwords.json").string(); return; } const auto &tags_profile = json[_cfg.profile]["tags"]; const auto &tags_global = json["global"]["tags"]; transform(tags_profile.begin(), tags_profile.end(), std::back_inserter(_watchwords), [](const Json::Value &value) { return value.asString(); }); transform(tags_global.begin(), tags_global.end(), std::back_inserter(_watchwords), [](const Json::Value &value) { return value.asString(); }); } } // namespace mastorss