#!/bin/sh echo "This script will upgrade your pleroma installation." echo "Pleroma will be stopped for the duration of the update." echo "Hit enter to proceed." read sure if [ -n "${sure}" ]; then exit fi purple='\033[1;35m' nocolor='\033[0m' function die() { if [ -n "${1}" ]; then echo "${1}" >&2 fi exit 1 } echo -e "${purple}Stopping pleroma...${nocolor}" sudo /etc/init.d/pleroma stop || die echo -e "${purple}Pulling the latest changes from upstream...${nocolor}" sudo -u pleroma git pull || die echo -e "${purple}Upgrading dependencies...${nocolor}" sudo -u pleroma mix deps.get || die echo -e "${purple}Performing database migrations...${nocolor}" sudo -u pleroma MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate || die echo -e "\n${purple}Done! Restarting pleroma...${nocolor}" sudo /etc/init.d/pleroma restart || die