= remwharead(1) :doctype: manpage :Author: tastytea :Email: tastytea@tastytea.de :Date: 2019-08-05 :Revision: 0.0.0 :man source: remwharead :man manual: General Commands Manual == NAME remwharead - Saves URIs of things you want to remember in a database == SYNOPSIS *remwharead* [*-t* _tags_] [*-N*] _URI_ *remwharead* *-e* _format_ [*-f* _file_] [*-T* _start_,_end_] [[*-s*|*-S*] _expression_] [*-r*] == DESCRIPTION *remwharead* saves URIs of things you want to remember in a database along with an URI to the archived version, the current date and time, title, description, the full text of the page and optional tags. The database can be filtered by time, tags and full text and exported to CSV, AsciiDoc or a bookmarks file. Archiving is done using the Wayback machine from the https://archive.org/[Internet Archive]. == OPTIONS *-t* _tags_, *--tags* _tags_:: Add tags to _URI_, delimited by commas. *-e* _format_, *--export* _format_:: Export to _format_. Possible values are _csv_, _asciidoc_, _bookmarks_ or _simple_. See _FORMATS_. *-f* _file_, *--file* _file_:: Save output to _file_. Default is stdout. *-T* _start_,_end_, *--time-span* _start_,_end_:: Only export entries between and including _start_ and _end_. _start_ and _end_ are date and time representations according to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Time zones are ignored. Example: `--span 2019-01-01,2019-02-10T12:30`. *-s* _expression_, *--search-tags* _expression_:: Search in tags. Format: _tag1 AND tag2 OR tag3_. See _SEARCH EXPRESSIONS_. Case insensitive. *-S* _expression_, *--search-all* _expression_:: Search in tags, title, description and full text. See _SEARCH EXPRESSIONS_. Case insensitive. *-r*, *--regex*:: Use regular expressions for search, case insensitive. With *--search-tags*, every tag is enclosed by _^_ and _$_. *-N*, *--no-archive*:: Do not archive URI. *-h*, *--help*:: Show help message. *-V*, *--version*:: Print version, copyright and license. == EXAMPLES .Save a thing into the database, with tags. ==== `remwharead -t tag1,tag2 https://example.com/article.html` ==== .Export all things between and including 2019-04-01 and 2019-05-31 to a file. ==== `remwharead -e asciidoc -f out.adoc -T 2019-04-01,2019-05-31` ==== .Export all things to an HTML file. ==== `remwharead -e asciidoc | asciidoctor --backend=html5 --out-file=out.html -` ==== .Export all things about GRUB the boot-loader, but nothing about caterpillars. ==== `remwharead -e csv -s "grub AND boot"` ==== .Output all articles by Jan Müller, consider different spellings. ==== `remwharead -e simple -S 'Jan\[[:space:]]+M(ü|ue)ller' -r` ==== === Display database *remwharead* does not provide an interface to display the database. However, you can periodically generate an HTML file with cron and display it in the browser. .Line from crontab: Generate an HTML file of the last 6 months every 30 minutes. ==== [source,crontab] ---- */30 * * * * remwharead -e asciidoc -T $(date -d "-6 months" -I),$(date -I) | asciidoctor --backend=html5 --out-file=${HOME}/remwharead.html - ---- ==== == FORMATS === csv CSV is short for comma separated values. All fields are quoted and delimited by commas. Line breaks in the full text are converted to "\n". Our CSV implementation follows RFC 4180 and the full MIME media type is `text/csv;charset=utf-8;header=present`. === asciidoc AsciiDoc is a markup language that can be read as plain text or converted to HTML, PDF and many other formats. === bookmarks The https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/aa753582(v=vs.85)[Netscape Bookmark file format] is a format for exporting and importing bookmarks that is understood by most browsers. === simple Simple, human readable, list. Outputs date, title and URI. == SEARCH EXPRESSIONS A search expression is either a single term, or several terms separated by _AND_ or _OR_. _AND_ takes precedence. The expression _Mountain AND Big OR Vegetable_ finds all things that have either Mountain and Big, or Vegetable in them. You can use _||_ instead of _OR_ and _&&_ instead of _AND_. Note that *--search-tags* only matches whole tags, Pill does not match Pillow. == PROTOCOL SUPPORT Currently only HTTP and HTTPS are supported. == PROXY SUPPORT *remwharead* supports HTTP proxies set via the environment variable _http_proxy_. Accepted formats are _http://host:port/_ or _host:port_. No SOCKS proxy support yet, sorry. == FILES * *Database*: `${XDG_DATA_HOME}/remwharead/database.sqlite` `${XDG_DATA_HOME}` is usually `~/.local/share`. == ERROR CODES [options="header",cols=">,<"] |================================================== | Code | Explanation | 1 | Missing options / Argument not understood. | 2 | Database connection failed. | 3 | File could not be opened. | 4 | Could not fetch URI. |================================================== == SEE ALSO *crontab*(1), *crontab*(5) == REPORTING BUGS Bugtracker: https://schlomp.space/tastytea/remwharead/issues E-mail: tastytea@tastytea.de