let taburl = ""; const txttags = document.getElementById("txttags"); const chkarchive = document.getElementById("chkarchive"); const btnadd = document.getElementById("btnadd"); const msgstatus = document.getElementById("msgstatus"); const msgerror = document.getElementById("msgerror"); function set_taburl(tabs) // Set taburl to URL of current tab. { const tab = tabs[0]; taburl = tab.url; } function get_tags() // get tags from text input. { const tags = txttags.value; if (tags != "") { return "-t '" + tags + "' "; } return ""; } function read_options() { const item = browser.storage.sync.get('archive'); item.then((res) => { if (res.archive === false) { chkarchive.checked = false; } }); } function onResponse(response) { console.log("Received: " + response); msgstatus.textContent = ""; if (response == "Command successful.") { window.close(); } else { msgerror.textContent = response; } } function onError(error) { console.log(`Error: ${error}`); msgerror.textContent = "Could not launch remwharead."; msgstatus.textContent = ""; } function launch(args) // Launch wrapper and send tags + URL to stdin. { msgstatus.textContent = "Launching remwharead…"; msgerror.textContent = ""; console.log("Sending: " + args + " to remwharead"); const sending = browser.runtime.sendNativeMessage("remwharead", args); sending.then(onResponse, onError); } function add() { let archive = ""; if (chkarchive.checked === false) { archive = "--no-archive "; } const args = get_tags() + archive + taburl; console.log(args); launch(args); } read_options(); // Call set_taburl() with current tab. browser.tabs.query({currentWindow: true, active: true}).then(set_taburl); btnadd.addEventListener("click", add); txttags.addEventListener( // Call launch() if enter is hit in text input. "keyup", event => { if(event.key !== "Enter") { return; } add(); event.preventDefault(); });