#!/bin/zsh # Open URLs based on regular expressions. # Format of assignments: "Regular expression", "program1;program2;…" # If this script is named urlhandler-gui, it shows a GUI using zenity. If not, # the first program in the list is used. if [ -z "${1}" ]; then print "usage: $(basename ${0}) URL [URL] ..." >&2 exit 1 fi zmodload zsh/regex default_cmd="firefox" assignments=( "\.(mp4|m4v|mkv|avi|webm|flv|xvid|ogv|theora|mov)$" "vlc;mpv;kodi;${default_cmd}" "\.(ogg|flac|opus|m4a|wav|mp3)$" "vlc;mpv;kodi;${default_cmd}" "^https://media.ccc.de/v/[^/]*$" "mpv;kodi;${default_cmd}" "^https?://www.ardmediathek.de/tv/.*/Video\?" "mpv;kodi;${default_cmd}" "^https?://www.zdf.de/[^/]*/[^/]*/[^/]*-10[0-9].html" "mpv;kodi;${default_cmd}" "^https?://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/[^/]*/[^/]*[0-9]*.html" "mpv;kodi;${default_cmd}" "^https?://(www\.)?youtu(\.be|be\.com)/([^/]*v=)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]*([\?&].*)?" "mpv;vlc;kodi;${default_cmd}" "^https?://(vivo.sx|streamcloud.eu|shared.sx|openload.co|powerwatch.pw|cloudtime.to|auroravid.to|vidto.me)/" "mpv;kodi;${default_cmd}" ) match=0 for url in ${@}; do for regex cmd in ${(kv)assignments}; do if [[ "${url}" -regex-match "${regex}" ]]; then if [ "$(basename ${0})" = "urlhandler-gui" ]; then # Show a dialogue with commands to choose from choice=$(zenity --list --column="commands" --hide-header ${(s:;:)cmd}) if [ -n "${choice}" ]; then ${choice} ${url} fi else # Use first entry in list of commands ${${(s:;:)cmd}[1]} "${url}" fi match=1 break fi done if [ ${match} -eq 0 ]; then ${default_cmd} "${url}" else match=0 fi done