var zip = new JSZip(); var archive_name = ""; var fout = document.getElementById('added-files'); function isFileImage(file) { return file && file['type'].split('/')[0] === 'image'; } function check_checkboxes(name) { const checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll(`input[name="${name}"]:checked`); let values = []; checkboxes.forEach((checkbox) => { values.push("\"" + checkbox.value + "\""); }); if (values) { return values; } else { return null; } } function clearThis(target) { var id = document.getElementById(target); id.value = ""; } function Input(str) { var arr = str.split(";"); let x = arr[1]; let target = arr[0]; var id = document.getElementById(target); var value = id.value; function typeInInputfield(newText, el = document.getElementById(target)) { const [start, end] = [el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd]; el.setRangeText(newText, start, end); } var out = x; if ( value ) { var out = "," + x; } if (out != null) { typeInInputfield(out); var end = id.value.length; id.setSelectionRange(end, end); id.focus({preventScroll: true}); } } function handleFile(f) { var name =; var data = f.raw; zip.file(name, data); } function Clear(name) { var ele = document.getElementsByName(name); for(var i=0;i { var files =; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var name = files[i].name.trim(); if (isFileImage(files[i])) { type = "image"; } else { type = "other" } zip.file(name, files[i]); fout.innerHTML += "
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" } if (title) { var output = "---\n"; var output = output + "title: \"" + title.trim() + "\"\n"; if (lastmod) { var output = output + "lastmod: " + lastmod.trim() + "\n"; } else { var output = output + "date: " + datestring.trim() + "\n"; } if (featured != '') { var output = output + "featured: true\n"; } if (about != '') { var output = output + "about: true\n"; } if (recurrent != '') { var output = output + "recurrent: true\n"; } if (when) { var output = output + "when: \"" + when + "\"\n"; } if (nnews) { var output = output + "news: \[" + nnews + "]\n"; } if (nevents) { var output = output + "events: \[" + nevents + "]\n"; } if (nfoundations) { var output = output + "foundations: \[" + nfoundations + "]\n"; } if (alltags) { var output = output + "tags: \[" + alltags + "]\n"; } if (covid) { var output = output + "covid: \"" + covid + "\"\n"; } if (price) { var output = output + "price: \"" + price + "\"\n"; } if (contact_mail) { var output = output + "contact_mail: \"" + contact_mail + "\"\n"; } if (insta) { var output = output + "insta: \"" + insta + "\"\n"; } var output = output + "---\n"; if (summary) { var output = output + summary.trim() + "\n" + "" + "\n"; } if (content) { var output = output + content.trim(); } // Add an top-level, arbitrary text file with contents zip.file("", output); var pattern = /[^a-z\d\-_\s]+$/i; var t = title.replace(/^["'](.+(?=["']$))["']$/, '$1').toLowerCase(); var t = t.trim(); var t = t.replaceAll(/\s+/g, '-'); var t = t.replace(/[^\w.-]+/g, ""); archive_name = datestring_shorter + "-" + t + ".zip"; var check_banner = false; for(let [filename, file] of Object.entries(zip.files)) { console.log(filename); if (filename.startsWith("banner")) { check_banner = true; } } if (output) { display.innerHTML += "
"; if (check_banner == false) { display.innerHTML += "
Banner (1920x850px) missing
" } if (!(summary)) { display.innerHTML += "
Summary missing
" } if (!(content)) { display.innerHTML += "
Content missing
" } } } } function dl_archive() { // Generate the zip file asynchronously zip.generateAsync({type:"blob"}) .then(function(cont) { // Force down of the Zip file saveAs(cont, archive_name); }); }