{{ define "content" }} {{ if .Layout }} {{ $partial := printf "layout/%s" .Layout }}
{{ partial $partial (dict "context" . "content" .Content) }}
{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "sidebar" }} {{ if ne .Type "tools" }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ define "pagefooter" }} {{ if and (eq .Kind "page") (or (eq .Section "news") (eq .Section "events") (eq .Section "about")) }}
{{ with .Params.foundations }}
Träger der Veranstaltung:
{{ range . }} {{ $l := . }} {{ $url := "" }} {{ if isset site.Params.foundations $l }} {{ $url = index site.Params.foundations $l }} {{ end }} {{- $res_im := resources.GetMatch (printf "/images/foundations/%s*" $l ) -}} {{ if $res_im }}
{{ if $url }}{{ end }} {{ if $url }}{{ end }}
{{ else }} {{ if eq hugo.Environment "development" }}
assets/images/foundations/{{- $l -}} .* missing
{{ else }} picture missing. {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if i18n "created" }}{{ i18n "created" }}{{ else }}{{ "Created" }}{{ end }}:
{{ .Date | time.Format ":date_full" }}
{{ if ne .Date .Lastmod }}
{{ if i18n "lastmod" }}{{ i18n "lastmod" }}{{ else }}{{ "Last modification" }}{{ end }}:
{{ .Lastmod | time.Format ":date_full" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}