#!/bin/bash # define folder for content PATH="content/posts" # define an error function err() { echo "${1}" zenity --error --no-wrap --text "${1}" exit 1 } #define a warn function warn() { echo "${1}" zenity --warning --no-wrap --text "${1}" } #check if unzip installed if ! command -v unzip &> /dev/null then err "'unzip' could not be found" fi # choose files to process IFS=$'\n' files=($(zenity --file-selection --multiple --separator=$'\n' --title="Choose files")) # check and extract files to destination path for file in "${files[@]}"; do # sanitize filename s="$(basename ${file%.*})" # receive input in first argument s="${s//[^[:alnum:]]/-}" # replace all non-alnum characters to - s="${s//+(-)/-}" # convert multiple - to single - s="${s/#-}" # remove - from start s="${s/%-}" # remove - from end fname="${s,,}" # convert to lowercase folder="${PATH}/${fname}" # check if file is compatible by checking if 'index.de.md' available if ! unzip -l "${file}"|grep -q "index.de.md"; then err "Maybe wrong archive? This is not compatible." fi #check if folder '${PATH}' available if ! [ -d "${PATH}" ]; then err "Folder 'content' not found." fi # create folder mkdir -p "${folder}" # deflate zip file unzip -o -d "${folder}" "${file}" # add folder for next commit git add "${folder}" # commit that folder git commit -m "${fname}" done # make a couple of lints for the archives output_temp="" for file in "${files[@]}"; do banner="false" # sanitize filename s="$(basename ${file%.*})" # receive input in first argument s="${s//[^[:alnum:]]/-}" # replace all non-alnum characters to - s="${s//+(-)/-}" # convert multiple - to single - s="${s/#-}" # remove - from start s="${s/%-}" # remove - from end fname="${s,,}" # convert to lowercase folder="${PATH}/${fname}" # get a list of files in folder for f in $(find "${folder}" -type f); do # check if a file called 'banner*' exists if echo ${i}|grep -q "banner"; then banner="true" fi done # compile missing or worng things if [ ${banner} == "false" ]; then output_temp="${output_temp}banner missing\n " fi done # print missing or wrongg things warn "${output_temp}" # completed.. and tell it! zenity --info --text "Done"