if ! yesno "nun gehts los, sicher?" y; then exit fi module start "disk" "Partition disk" #umounter "${dest}" || exit #if [[ ! "${cfg[fde_key_store]}" == "none" ]]; then # addpkg cryptsetup #fi diskid="${cfg[diskid]//-/_}" if [[ -n "${cfg[wipe]}" ]]; then echo "Formatting disk" echo "g n 1 +1G t 1 w q" | fdisk "${cfg[diskname]}" > /dev/null fi if [[ "${cfg[fde_key_store]}" == "once" ]]; then echo "create bootpartition" target_boot="${cfg[diskname]}2" echo "n 2 +${cfg[bootsize]}G w q" | fdisk "${cfg[diskname]}" > /dev/null if [[ "${cfg[rootfssize]}" == "rest" ]]; then target_partition_tmp="${cfg[diskname]}3" echo "create rootfs" echo "n 3 w q" | fdisk "${cfg[diskname]}" > /dev/null elif [[ ! "${cfg[rootfssize]}" == "rest" ]]; then target_partition_tmp="${cfg[diskname]}3" echo "create rootfs with a specific size" echo "n p 3 +${rootfssize}G w q" | fdisk "${cfg[diskname]}" > /dev/null fi else if [[ "${cfg[rootfssize]}" == "rest" ]]; then target_partition_tmp="${cfg[diskname]}2" echo "create rootfs without boot" echo "n 2 w q" | fdisk "${cfg[diskname]}" > /dev/null elif [[ ! "${cfg[rootfssize]}" == "rest" ]]; then target_partition_tmp="${cfg[diskname]}2" echo "create rootfs with a specific size without boot" echo "n p 2   +${rootfssize}G w q" | fdisk "${cfg[diskname]}" > /dev/null fi fi target_partition="${target_partition_tmp}" if [[ ! "${cfg[fde_key_store]}" == "none" ]]; then echo -n "${cfg[diskpw]}" | cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks1 "${target_partition}" -d - echo -n "${cfg[diskpw]}" | cryptsetup luksOpen "${target_partition}" "voidluks-${diskid}" -d - #echo -n "oem" | cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks1 "${target_partition}" -d - #echo -n "oem" | cryptsetup luksOpen "${target_partition}" "voidluks-${diskid}" -d - target_partition="/dev/mapper/voidluks-${diskid}" fi mkswap "${target_partition}" vgcreate -q -f "voidvg.${diskid}" "${target_partition}" || exit 1 lvcreate -q -y --name swap -L "${cfg[swapsize]}"G "voidvg.${diskid}" lvcreate -q -y --name root -l 100%FREE "voidvg.${diskid}" mkfs.btrfs -q -f "/dev/mapper/voidvg.${diskid}-root" mkswap "/dev/mapper/voidvg.${diskid}-swap" mount "/dev/mapper/voidvg.${diskid}-root" "${dest}" btrfs subvol create "${dest}/void-rootfs" btrfs subvol create "${dest}/home" mkdir -p "${dest}/snapshot" "${dest}/backup" umount "${dest}" mount "/dev/mapper/voidvg.${diskid}-root" "${dest}" -o subvol=void-rootfs for i in boot home dev proc sys tmp etc var/lib/backup/quelle/rootfs var/lib/backup/ziel var/db; do mkdir -p "${dest}/${i}"; done mount "/dev/mapper/voidvg.${diskid}-root" "${dest}"/home -o subvol=home if [[ "${cfg[fde_key_store]}" == "once" ]]; then mkdir -p "${dest}/var/lib/backup/quelle/boot" mkfs.btrfs -q -f "${target_boot}" mount "${target_boot}" "${dest}/boot" btrfs subvol create "${dest}/boot/void" mkdir -p "${dest}/boot/snapshot" "${dest}/boot/backup" umount "${dest}/boot" mount "${target_boot}" "${dest}/boot" -o subvol=void fi for dir in dev proc sys run; do mkdir -p "${dest}"/$dir ; mount --rbind /$dir "${dest}"/$dir ; mount --make-rslave "${dest}"/$dir ; done setconf add rootuuid "$(blkid -o value -s UUID ${target_partition})" setconf add partuuid "$(blkid -o value -s UUID ${cfg[diskname]}${cfg[target_part]})" [[ "${cfg[fde_key_store]}" == "once" ]] && setconf "add" "bootuuid" "$(blkid -o value -s UUID ${target_boot})" setconf add swapuuid "$(blkid -o value -s UUID /dev/mapper/voidvg.${diskid}-swap)" mount -t tmpfs -o size=512m tmpfs "${dest}"/tmp module end