# Template file for 'FreeRADIUS' pkgname=FreeRADIUS version=3.0.12 revision=2 wrksrc=freeradius-server-${version} build_style=gnu-configure nocross=yes # Not supported by upstream makedepends="talloc-devel libressl-devel mit-krb5-devel pam-devel \ libmariadbclient-devel postgresql-libs-devel json-c-devel" system_accounts="_freeradius" make_dirs="/etc/raddb 0750 _freeradius _freeradius" short_desc="The world's most popular RADIUS Server" maintainer="Michael Aldridge " license="GPL-2" homepage="http://freeradius.org" distfiles="ftp://ftp.freeradius.org/pub/freeradius/freeradius-server-${version}.tar.bz2" checksum=fe4e1f52cc2873f6aee2b12b0f03236978e4632f2acf298f834686b240c4183d pre_install() { # FreeRADIUS uses 'R' instead of 'DESTDIR' export R=${DESTDIR} } post_install() { # Remove the default generated certificates, it would be nice to just # not build these, but the Makefiles are inordinately complex and # cannot be easily modified to not build the certificate files. _CERTDIR=${DESTDIR}/etc/raddb/certs rm ${_CERTDIR}/index* rm ${_CERTDIR}/*.crt rm ${_CERTDIR}/*.csr rm ${_CERTDIR}/*.key rm ${_CERTDIR}/*.p12 rm ${_CERTDIR}/*.pem rm ${_CERTDIR}/serial* rm ${_CERTDIR}/*.der rm ${_CERTDIR}/*dh* rm ${_CERTDIR}/bootstrap # Install the service vsv FreeRADIUS # While the config installed by the makefiles is usable, its # also very complex and not likely to be a good solution for # most sites installing FreeRADIUS, so the existing config # will be moved out of the way here so that experienced admins # can install a configuration set that is appropriate for the # specific site. Intentionally the examples directory # contains 'raddb' to clarify that the examples examples # within are an example raddb configuration. vmkdir usr/share/examples/${pkgname}/ mv ${DESTDIR}/etc/raddb/ ${DESTDIR}/usr/share/examples/${pkgname} } FreeRADIUS-devel_package() { short_desc+=" - development files" depends="${sourcepkg}>=${version}_${revision}" pkg_install() { vmove /usr/lib/*.a vmove /usr/lib/*.la vmove /usr/include/freeradius } }