# --*-- shell --*-- # # etc/defaults.conf # default configuration of etc/conf # # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY; IT MAY BE REPLACED DURING UPDATES, # EDIT etc/conf INSTEAD. # # To disable an option comment it out, don't set it to another value i.e: # FOO=no -> wrong # #FOO=yes -> correct # # Please also use ${FOO} style for shell variables because some parsers # rely on this to work properly. # # [REQUIRED] # Master directory. This is where the packages are built and installed. # By default set to void-packages/masterdir. # #XBPS_MASTERDIR=${HOME}/masterdir # [OPTIONAL] # Host directory to be (bind) mounted into the chroot (masterdir) containing # directories for downloaded cached packages from xbps-install(8), packages # created by xbps-src, downloaded source distribution tarballs, etc. # # Basically your directory will contain this structure: # # /masterdir # | # |-----/HOSTDIR # |- /binpkgs <- local repository # |- /repocache <- cachedir for dependencies # |- /sources <- source tarballs # # When created, those names are constants, so you cannot change them, even # they are case sensitive. # # NOTE: You must create your toplevel /dir yourself # #XBPS_HOSTDIR=/path/to/your/host/directory # [OPTIONAL] # Enable optional arguments to xbps-install. This is useful when you use # static binaries and when you need to specify arguments. # NOTE: This is only used with the binary-bootstrap target! XBPS_INSTALL_ARGS="--repository=http://repo.voidlinux.eu/current" # [OPTIONAL] # Compilation flags for C and C++. # XBPS_CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -fstack-protector-strong" XBPS_CXXFLAGS="${XBPS_CFLAGS}" # [OPTIONAL] # Linker flags passed to the compiler. By default we use --as-needed to # avoid linking extra libraries into binaries. See the following link # for info: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/qa/asneeded.xml # XBPS_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed" # [REQUIRED] # Command to execute to gain root privileges when using the `update-sys` # target to update your system. # XBPS_SUCMD="sudo /bin/sh -c" # [OPTIONAL] # Enable or disable ccache when building packages. # #XBPS_CCACHE=yes # [OPTIONAL] # Enable or disable distcc when building packages. # #XBPS_DISTCC=yes #XBPS_DISTCC_HOSTS="" # [OPTIONAL] # Number of parallel jobs to execute when building packages that # use make(1) or alike commands. # #XBPS_MAKEJOBS=4 # [OPTIONAL] # Enable recording git revisions in final binary packages; enable this # if you are sure the package you are building is available in the # xbps-packages git repository. # #XBPS_USE_GIT_REVS=yes # [OPTIONAL] # Enable building -dbg subpackages with debugging symbols. Please note # that building with debugging symbols make take a long while in some # packages even on computers with a fast CPU; as well as needs lots of # RAM to build properly some packages. # #XBPS_DEBUG_PKGS=yes # [OPTIONAL] # Generate repository binary diffs (deltas) via xdelta3. # #XBPS_REPO_DELTAS=yes # [OPTIONAL] # Enable or disable global package build options, these options apply # to all packages that support the matching options. # # To enable an option just define its option name; to disable an option # prefix it with ~. Options must be delimited by commas, i.e 'opt,~opt2,opt3,~opt4' # #XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS=opt,~opt2,opt3,~opt4 # [OPTIONAL] # Enable or disable package build options. Note that per package build options # override the global options defined above for the matching package. # #XBPS_PKG_OPTIONS_foo=opt,~opt2,opt3,~opt4