# Template file for 'wine-unstable' __pkgname=wine pkgname=${__pkgname}-unstable version=1.3.31 build_style=gnu-configure configure_args=" --with-x" homepage="http://www.winehq.org/" distfiles="http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/${__pkgname}/${__pkgname}-${version}.tar.bz2" short_desc="Run Windows applications on Linux, BSD, Solaris and Mac OS X. (unstable)" maintainer="davehome " license="LGPL-2.1" checksum=c3827c192ebcc34fbfb7a6e4b6fcdef79ca5d42ad5b6ff8230e98ea238353f5e long_desc=" Wine lets you run Windows software on other operating systems. With Wine, you can install and run these applications just like you would in Windows. (unstable)" replaces="wine>=0" provides="wine-$version" subpackages="lib$pkgname $pkgname-devel" wrksrc=${__pkgname}-$version gtk_iconcache_dirs="/usr/share/icons/hicolor" # XXX OpenCL # XXX dbus (dynamic device support) - I cannot make this work. # XXX libsane (scanner support) # XXX libcapi20 (ISDN support) # XXX libcups (printing support) Add_dependency run glibc Add_dependency run libwine-unstable Add_dependency run gettext-libs Add_dependency run liberation-fonts-ttf # else stuff appears in hebrew Add_dependency build gettext-devel Add_dependency build lcms-devel Add_dependency build zlib-devel Add_dependency build MesaLib-devel Add_dependency build libSM-devel Add_dependency build libXext-devel Add_dependency build libX11-devel Add_dependency build libldap-devel Add_dependency build alsa-lib-devel Add_dependency build libgphoto2-devel Add_dependency build libxml2-devel Add_dependency build mpg123-devel Add_dependency build libgsm-devel Add_dependency build libopenal-devel Add_dependency build prelink Add_dependency full desktop-file-utils Add_dependency full hicolor-icon-theme pre_configure() { sed -i 's/\(libncurses\)/\1w/g' configure }