# # Configuration file for pkgfs. # # # Global master directory: this is where all symlinks will be # created pointing at packages installed in PKGFS_DESTDIR. # PKGFS_MASTERDIR=$HOME/pkgfs/depot # Global destination dir: this is where all # packages will be installed. # PKGFS_DESTDIR=$HOME/pkgfs/depot/packages # # Global directory where source files will be extracted to. # PKGFS_BUILDDIR=$HOME/pkgfs/builddir # # Global directory where the source distfiles are stored. # PKGFS_SRC_DISTDIR=$HOME/pkgfs/distdir # # Compilation flags for cc and c++. # PKGFS_CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe" PKGFS_CXXFLAGS="$PKGFS_CFLAGS" # # END #