From web: #205

fediblock-backend wants to merge 1 commits from web-205 into main

51 years ago Israeli planes openly attacked the USS Liberty during Israel's war with Egypt. The attack led to the death of 34 American sailors. When the fleet commander heard of the attack he scrambled fighters. However, immediately afterwards he was told by the White House to stand down and leave the Liberty to its fate. The Captain of the liberty frustrated by his inability to protect his crew cleverly began broadcasting on open channels that US fighters were coming. The moment he did this the Israeli aircraft ceased their attack and apologised saying that they had mistaken a ship flying a US flag and with USS Liberty written on it for an Egyptian ship. There are two possible explanations for why this event took place. Both could be equally valid. The first is that Israel was committing a war crime in the mass execution of POW's and thought that the Liberty (A surveillance ship) could have witnessed it. The second is that the attack on the Liberty was a calculated move that the Israelis planned to later blame on the Egyptians in order to bring the US into a war that Israel had instigated. We will likely never know whether either or both of these explanations are true as Washington consistently blocks all attempts at investigation. It speaks volumes that 51 years ago Israel had enough influence on the US to force them to allow an open attack to go unanswered. One wonders how much more control they have gained in the years since...

51 years ago Israeli planes openly attacked the USS Liberty during Israel's war with Egypt. The attack led to the death of 34 American sailors. When the fleet commander heard of the attack he scrambled fighters. However, immediately afterwards he was told by the White House to stand down and leave the Liberty to its fate. The Captain of the liberty frustrated by his inability to protect his crew cleverly began broadcasting on open channels that US fighters were coming. The moment he did this the Israeli aircraft ceased their attack and apologised saying that they had mistaken a ship flying a US flag and with USS Liberty written on it for an Egyptian ship. There are two possible explanations for why this event took place. Both could be equally valid. The first is that Israel was committing a war crime in the mass execution of POW's and thought that the Liberty (A surveillance ship) could have witnessed it. The second is that the attack on the Liberty was a calculated move that the Israelis planned to later blame on the Egyptians in order to bring the US into a war that Israel had instigated. We will likely never know whether either or both of these explanations are true as Washington consistently blocks all attempts at investigation. It speaks volumes that 51 years ago Israel had enough influence on the US to force them to allow an open attack to go unanswered. One wonders how much more control they have gained in the years since...
tastytea closed this pull request 2020-11-01 11:00:30 +01:00
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