From web: #227

fediblock-backend wants to merge 1 commits from web-227 into main

This instance currently hosts a user who posts screenshots of hateful content, constantly promotes, amplifies, and raises awareness of software created by transphobes, and promotes instances in which users can freely post hate speech and other extremist and dangerous content, drawing attention to the servers and software and leading to increases in the userbases of both the software and the instances. The user ( continues to promote the horrible content and hateful software, without repercussions from the admins. User literally has a thread on where to find "literal nazis (sic), Nazi enablers, non moderated places (sic), pedos, commercial instances and scams, People working with/for the police, and (sic) harrasers and s--tlords (sic) (and all their pet instances)". Their unwillingness to act is a clear dog whistle that they support the content and wish for the messages to continue to spread. Any instance that continues to promote hate speech sites and host hate speech messages must be Fediblocked on sight, for the good of the Fediverse.

This instance currently hosts a user who posts screenshots of hateful content, constantly promotes, amplifies, and raises awareness of software created by transphobes, and promotes instances in which users can freely post hate speech and other extremist and dangerous content, drawing attention to the servers and software and leading to increases in the userbases of both the software and the instances. The user ( continues to promote the horrible content and hateful software, without repercussions from the admins. User literally has a thread on where to find "literal nazis (sic), Nazi enablers, non moderated places (sic), pedos, commercial instances and scams, People working with/for the police, and (sic) harrasers and s--tlords (sic) (and all their pet instances)". Their unwillingness to act is a clear dog whistle that they support the content and wish for the messages to continue to spread. Any instance that continues to promote hate speech sites and host hate speech messages must be Fediblocked on sight, for the good of the Fediverse.
tastytea added the
label 2020-11-09 20:51:44 +01:00
tastytea closed this pull request 2020-11-09 20:51:52 +01:00
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